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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Happy Father's Day to all father's out there. I agree @jsb, especially the good ones.
  2. Nope. Never. Zero chance. I would not even watch such nonsense. Forgot the winkie thingie so stick it right ... here !! Also, that nonsense was not part of any Renaissance that I know about.
  3. For once we agree. When should we have the parade ?? 😉😘
  4. James who ?? Anyway, fireworks at home are the best fireworks. May the force be with you. Am I doing that right @DarthEbriate ??
  5. If by amazing you mean dumb then yup.
  6. Look at that snout. Clearly the gift was a *grumpy old man*. All we need are some clouds and we'd be all set.
  7. Cool !! I prefer the romantic languages of France, Spain and Italy. Even the Slavic languages are delightful ... Polish, Slovakia, Bosnia / Croatia / Serbia ...
  8. I am not sure if this is the right place for this, but ... Congrats to Jay Mckee 74 for coaching the Hamilton Bulldogs to the OHL Championship. Good luck in the Memorial Cup coming right up in Saint John, NB.
  9. The IRS !! No, really ... clients are paying me a whole pile of dough to figure out there US taxes. Thank goodness for the IRS and for so many US citizens living in Halifax that need me to figure this all out. Working on a pretty complicated one yesterday and today. Just when I think I have most of the bloody hell schedules accounted for the bloody hell IRS asks for more. With luck this will never end !! $$$$$$$$$ !! GO TEAM !! FIGHT TEAM !! YEA TEAM !!
  10. No. Unless it's for a big party. Then Bergie will be back to Baastan. Once a dastardly always a dastardly.
  11. Did yous tar and feather the bastage ??
  12. @Taro T posted something about something about something else in some other thread about brothers or something and mentioned that it would make for a great thread. @Weave said that the thread existed. I did a quick search and bumped it.
  13. Bump ... For @Weave and @Taro T and everybody else ...
  14. Where is that power puke thingie when you need it most ?? They don't call it The Great Satan for nothing. See my point above ... The bold will not help you atoll !!
  15. Awesome!! Glad to see some things never change. Although Paris is slightly higher on my list of fantastic cities than London. Paris in spring is special. That urine smell is mostly near the river and one gets used to it in no time. When in Rome also applies to Paris ... so piss any place you like.
  16. So, the countdown to the next Cassidy firing starts in ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 GO!!
  17. Cool. I really like it a lot. That said, it does serve what I suggested as well. Even if unintended. And thanks for doing it.
  18. What was that you said? I was distracted by your avatar ... something something trades something picks something ...
  19. For some. That is the purpose of this thread to counter in great detail the *KA has done nothing* narrative. That said, maybe a little asterik notation at the bottom would suffice for the Bishop thingie, unless I am missing something and the M.P. Arch-Bishop has come on board.
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