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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Ramadan is more like Lent in that it's the fasting month. I really don't remember Ash Wednesday being along the same lines as Yom Kippur and Arafah, which are both considered the day of atonment for all our sins against God and our fellow creatures of God. Marked by fasting, prayers (all day) and asking for forgivness.
  2. Seems strange sending you a beer as a thank you for this information, but it is what it is. Thanks. Now that you mention it I remember Ash Wednesday being a pretty big day in at least one of my lifetimes ago.
  3. I see that we have been given many more options to respond to posts with a thumbs down and power puke and a few other new options. We had this before and I don't think it's a great thing to bring back. In the past it was not great because it became in some cases a vote against particular posters and not about the actual posts. EDIT: It does seem that the nagative thingies do not impact a posters rating. In the past we had several posters with huge negative ratings because it seemed that anything they posted was voted with a negative reaction just because.
  4. The Day of Arafah starts at sunset today and ends at sunset tomorrow. Islam's holiest day. It is our Yom Kippur and is observed in the exact same way. I don't think our Christian Brothers and Sisters have a similar Day of Atonement. Also, Eid al Adha starts just when Arafah ends ... sunset Friday.
  5. Ignore me gentlemen. I don't see very goodly, especially when the damn thing is so small. That's what she said ... Carrion ...
  6. October can't be right. Out west in Canada (Vancouver on 22nd) then home to Detroit on 24th and off to Seatlle on 25th. What's the poop on that ??
  7. Yous all are missing the point of @inkman and the OP questioning the word 'linked'. Inky does not care who is 'linked' to the Sabres. He only want's to know what 'linked' means. Well, Inky this is your lucky day that I just happened to be passing by and can tell you that 'linked' means absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. Zero!!
  8. Sorry for your troubles @Doohickie.
  9. Why do they insist on complicating things so much?
  10. Yup. And I was making it clear what he said. He did not say that the trade was worth it. He said that it might be.
  11. Might be he said. No way to know yet.
  12. Woof!! We better trade his rights now before he hits the open market.
  13. Why wouldn't the cap hit end when the last payment happens and the contract is paid in full and done with?
  14. I think it was paid on July 1, 2022 for the last season 2022/23. I think the buyout payouts are once a year at the start of each year, which is July 1st. Maybe I am completely out to lunch on this, which has happened before.
  15. I believe so, yes. A noted by @Zamboni it frees up enough cap space for KA to dole out another of his favourite contracts. With enough left over for lunch.
  16. Is it just me or does that thing look very industrial? Ugly even.
  17. Reminds me of the discussion between Sam Seaborn and Lionel Tribbey, with a little Ainsley Hayes mixed in there too.
  18. Oh my gosh!! Are we talking about @inkman and his peeing habits again?
  19. On Canada Day I reflected on how my country failed and continues to fail our Indigenous Peoples. It's the shame of the Nation. The man that founded Halifax was a most scoundrelous figure to be sure. He placed a bounty on the Indigenous People of Nova Scotia. Our first Prime Ministrer was an unabashed rasict. He helped set up the shameful Residential School system for Indigenous Children mostly run by the Catholic Church. Many of these children never made it home and mass graves are being found everywhere. These schools were finally closed in my lifetime. The last one was closed in the mid 1990s ... 1990s!! The shame of the Nation indeed. I thank Allah for His grace in willing me to be born in a very good and safe country. That said, I am privaleged. We must come to grips with out past and somehow make amends. A good and easy place to start is to make sure there is safe drinking water on all our First Nations lands.
  20. How many brothers does this dude have?
  21. Nazar McGroarty Gaucher
  22. The Sabres have been looking for a decent goaler, or 2, since Miller left.
  23. @Wyldnwoody44, you know what you have to do. Sure you invested a lot of time and energy as she has too. The trust is gone. You really have no idea when it went. I have a crazy theory. Just hear me out and in my days around, which are almost twice your days, this kind of thing has happened to me. I think she may have found someone and is cheating on you. She doesn't know how to break up with you, so she makes all this crazy stuff to force you into breaking up with her instead. Sounds crazy, I know, but so is her stalking you. You better hope that my idea is not far fetched, because there is a chance that when you break up with her and you should as soon as possible and don't even ask her for an explantion. Just give her the pods back and say that she needs to leave as soon as possible. That night you need to take her to a hotel and book her in for a week until she can get arrangements made. Then you need to be sure that there is always a friend with you whenever she comes over to get her stuff or whatever. Not to scare you, but you have to hope that she has another fella or the stalking may not end when you break up with her. Also, sorry man. It's tough, but we have all been there.
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