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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Ginger alert. CODE RED!! CODE RED!! ❤️❤️ Speaking of which, I miss @biodork ... come in @biodork !!
  2. I think Eakin will sign somewhere. What team needs players under contract to fill out a NHL roster ?? Arizona maybe? Seattle maybe?
  3. It appeared that he twisted himself into a bit of a pretzel there. So, maybe self-inflicted as it were?
  4. Cool beans. Sounds good. I just like saying Hiney as in Hiney-Stroka.
  5. I think Hiney the vet will be a fixture with Cozens on line 3 (they had developed good chemistry last season and that is part of why he was signed) with P and Q being cycled in there on a rotation basis.
  6. 8 had thought 2 @ $5, which is spot on in my book. Congrats to them. I thought 5 @ $5, which I still think would have been better.
  7. Craig Rivet cousin. Wears #52. Drafted 206th in 2013. 25th pick in round 7. 5th from last player selected. I watched him in Halifax. He was going to be a good NHL player if given a chance and some time. Spent 2 years + in AHL after signing with Panthers. Slowly made the team in a regualar role. Last season he was the Panthers #2 D and top pair RHD paired with Hanifin. The kid is a keeper. The Panthers will not trade him. If anything they will sign him to the fat contract he has earned. Earned the old fashioned way by hard work and dedication. I would love him on the Sabres, but I don't see it happening. So, bring on PK!! PK!! PK!! PK!!
  8. Dude!! KA will never overpay that much.
  9. Sorry about all the termoil, but it seems like it's for the best from what you have shared here. You will be finer than fine. Now you can travel with your sister again ... +++++ In other awesome news ... Eid al Adha is always awesome. Hajj has ended. A million pilgrims were allowed on Hajj this year, which is low for most years pre COVID, but the first time in 3 years that more than only a handful of locals were allowed into Mecca. New Year is coming in about 2 weeks.
  10. Do you do jokes? Jokes can be without words, eh.
  11. Over a minute of 5 second clips full of fancy skating and stuff and ... zero goals. Hmm ??
  12. This is a reasonable signing ... term and $. Good!! Now they can put a bow on him and send him to Chicago with +, +, + for Kane.
  13. Who ?? Name sounds familiar. There must be something to him, eh. He's getting twice the minimum wage for 2 years.
  14. Welcome back my friend tothe show that never ends ... So glad you can attend come inside come inside ... Come inside the show's about to start ........ +++++ Good!! Every team needs a good Hiney-Stroka. Am I right @inkman ??!!
  15. I just got a very cool notification that I have reached *Hall of Fame* ranking. Thanks @SDS. Maybe you don't even know that the latest upgrade / fix up after @spndnchz broke the whole internet with her Brazilian talk does this. I thought that one had to reach 20,000 posts to reach the Hall of Fame status, but I am sitting on 19,970 (+1 now).
  16. Not buying it. Not atoll.
  17. He is okay in my books, warts and freakiness and all, just because he literally saved the Sabres.
  18. Are you sure about that? I would still pay a lot for Kane and he is worth it. That does not mean that I think KA will do it. I don't think KA will do anything on the Kane front this year.
  19. Thanks, Inky, but doesn't really help atoll.
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