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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. It will be low and embarrassing.
  2. It's not the Holiday Season is it? Isn't this thing supposed to be during the Holidays?
  3. No worries. I just wanted to be sure the record was straight. Cheers !!
  4. @Hank, For the record, which I always tried to make clear ... I was born in Canada and not a war torn country. I have spent a lot of time in Bosnia just as the war was ending and soon after it ended and for many times since that time (the last time was in 2011). I am a Muslim, but my culture and experiences in life are Canadian with some travel experiences in Europe, which is very similar to North America in most ways. None of that really influenced my feelings on this whole thing. The symbolism on the shirt is unspeakably terrible. I am in the minority (seems like) that also think that the whole law enforcement appreciation night in that arena is just wrong and sends a bad message since an innocent (yes, @Wyldnwoody44 ... innocent. Maybe not a saint, but certainly did not deserve what happened to him. No one does.) man died a horrible death at the hands of law enforcement not far from it.
  5. We all ignored that throwback to a bygone era. Just hoping that no one noticed and that it will just go away.
  6. This is just horrible. Even the most militant in Iran had moved on from all the nonsense. The book takes some liberties, but most reasonable Muslims have always thought of it as it was intended ... a well written work of fiction. The title is controvercial in that it brings to mind the unfounded stories that have been attributed to sometime after the death of Muhammad that there were verses in the Qur'an that were removed since they were inspired not by God, but by Muhammad's desire to appease the Pegan Arabs of Mecca by saying it had been revealed to him that the worship of ancient pegan God's will be permitted by Allah and His Messenger. This is so outrageous that it does not even need to be discussed any further No such verses ever existed and there is no mention of them in the earliest texts from the Islamic period first published during the lifetime of Muhammad. Western media have perpetuated these stories since the time just after the passing of Muhammad, especially during the Crusades of the Christian armies against the Muslims. Sorry for taking this discussion in a non random way.
  7. $50M is not silly money ?? I know what you are saying though. If I am either of them and the Sabres offer me $50M this offseason or next ... I am all over it. $50M virtually guaranteed is a lot of money and I would take it and not gamble on my future. I would be still in line for an even fatter contract in 8 years if I am still playing.
  8. And ?? His absence would not have made any difference as his presence made no difference.
  9. The merchandise was terrible in it's own right, but the very idea of a law enforcement appreciation night in that arena is a huge problem in and of itself, IMO. YMMV, of course.
  10. I think the team will realize that it's probably not the best idea and the fans will likely help them realize it. For the reason that Smell pointed out.
  11. I will be 58 in October. Yous two are old farts.
  12. 50+ points in a break-out season of sorts. Next season will be his true coming of age season ... 70+ points. Wing And wing / hybrid centre (kind of like Briere)
  13. Thinking about it and it's not a bad idea at all. Buys 4 UFA years, I think, and will likely be a bargain by year 4. Maybe even year 3. @Curt (I think) is making the point that the Sabres need to try to get at least one good player on a very good contract and two would be even better. $50M for 8 years for Cozens would be a great deal now that I have thought about it more. Maybe Power would agree to similar without a bridge deal. Then the Sabres could give Dahlin his $80M or $90M for 8 years on his next contract.
  14. 1) Eleven reaching 500 goals. 2) Gare in OT against the Habs in 1975 semi-final game 1. 3) May Day !! 4) All the games I attended at The Aud. 5) Any win that eliminated the dastardly Flyers or the dastardly Bruins from the playoff.
  15. If I were KA, I would give Dylan a 3 year $13.5M contract to take him to 1 year RFA remaining and then see about signing him long-term. If I were the Sabres GM I think I would be trying to sign him to a six year $35M extension that would take away 2 UFA years.
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