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pegs4mayor's Achievements


Prospect (1/8)



  1. I'm amazed right now
  2. Ill definitely try. I did speak up when a teabm was available but mustang been skimmed over. Like I said I've never done this but would love to try.
  3. I've never done this before but I would love too. I tried to join blue but never got a pm. I was probally too late. Anywho can I claim dibs on a spot for next season?!
  4. I'm also one for the jungle book! But now the Bear necessities is gonna be whistled for a while
  5. Only day off for two weeks and a Sabres game is on! They better win!! That'd be F'n Fantastic :)
  6. I'd like to thank my lord and savior and timmy for this jets loss
  7. I too, have a smart phone. We have things in common!! (Joke)
  8. Just finished a six man LAN cod party and now on to pre game. F'n Fantastic!
  9. She's seen better :P
  10. I've never done fantasy anything but I'd give it a try..
  11. Only if ur name is on Santas naughty list :thumbsup:
  12. Pshhh.may.have.concussion symptoms let's make it 12 games no forum posting!!!
  13. Looks like a rookie(brady)
  14. Great run by jackson
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