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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I think this idea that we were really successful in Iraq, and then lost or squandered our advantage is flawed. It assumes we had a workable political partnership inside Iraq. No. We never did. Our military can kick the tar out of any combatant. But anyone that thinks there was a workable state to be had in Iraq or Afghanistan is ignoring sectarian And tribal divides that predate our own national history.
  2. Yep. But no amount of mourning is really going to un- Lebanon. Paris, now that is the worlds Disneyland.
  3. No! Not the Sabrepillar!
  4. Yes. The goal is to radicalize Islam. If France kicked out every Muslim tomorrow, ISIS would be clapping and cheering, because France would be doing their work.
  5. The coaches challenge is checked on ice for some reason.
  6. The goal of terror is not to kill for killings sake, but to polarize by provoking a response. ISIS wants to create a world where ISIS is the only acceptable form of Islam. And it wants the West to help push Islam to them. ISIsS doesn't want to push France, they want France to help push moderate Islam to them. That's the goal, killing concert goers is only a tactic to that end. .
  7. Play "Linus and Lucy" That's Gold.
  8. They seem like pretty legit arguments to me. They take time and break flow. Keep in mind this isn't about replay or the Sabres -this is about a Coaches challenge. Goals still go to Toronto to be checked. The Coach's challenge is the issue.
  9. Stopped. How ironic. I've been stopped twice in nice neighborhoods for absolutely no reason. And I was just the white passenger. One cop literally said, "it looked like you drifted across a line, but I see youre okay." And nodded to me. And returned to his car. This kind of stuff is probably not part of your experience. But I guess it has nothing to do with Paris either.
  10. Well, we can no more completely stop non-state terrorists than we can completely stop school shooters. Military and intelligence is part of the imperfect solution, but with terrorists a military response is in someways at once invited because it legitimizes the perpetrators, but it also helps polarize their own constituency. So I would be careful of the robust and muscular military response and fight these bastards by lethal stealth and whatever can be done to undermine what legitimacy they have.
  11. I'm sorry. It is awful. Theater was an American band playing called Eagles of death
  12. Le mo de reporter saying possibly 200 hostages. Bombs on scooters. My French is rusty. California band ....the Eagles? That doesn't sound right.
  13. Reports of over 100 hostages Wow.
  14. Looking to Paris this isn't looking good
  15. Waive Johnson. He'll clear.
  16. and then no linesmen to break up the fights. Perfect for guys like Petey. :lol:
  17. Seriously, if I'm watching two teams casually, because I just like hockey. I'm usually happy to see a goal, I think gee this game is getting interesting. Once the review Challenge starts I change the channel . I come back...5 minutes later. No goal. I've lost interest. Seriously, even last night I chAnged the channel to NFL twice. Guess when. It's a tempo killing mechanism. The game is speed. But let's compromise its best qualities with pendantic redundancy. The play stands! I've lost 5 minutes to know the call was a good call. Baa! Or the play was offside to a slow mo camera but not the naked eye. Aargh!
  18. Nicely phrased.
  19. I think the whole thing is poor for hockey. It's just not the right sport for this. In Tennis for example, the replay is a stadium event. It's fun. In hockey it is just a buzzkill. Even commercials remove so much tempo in the stadium. Replays are toxic to the game.
  20. Well he did spin Chara around and fed Duchene for the game winner. Nice play.
  21. Anyone know why Deslauriers was a scratch?
  22. 3-0 Sabres outplayed, but winning. Great games from Gionta, Franson, and Ulmark.
  23. I'm told if you stand in front of a mirror at night and say "Scratch Webby" three times. Ghost will appear. :P Hope you're well. :)
  24. I really do think the Leafs are a well-coached team that is bad. Good coaching doesn't change the talent, it gets the most out of it. It's a bad team.
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