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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Ryan O'Reilly should be "Life" as in Life O'Reilly
  2. Years from now......after 578 goals in a Sabres uni. We will love the old Yeichel calls. :)
  3. He kept calling them as far as I remember. Until they were traded that is.
  5. Brooklyn - tender, funny, and beautifully shot. No testosterone in this one. The plot conflict is a little thin, but the real treasure is in the wordplay and wit. 4/5 Eggs.
  6. You younger guys have lived too little. Oooo la la and wowie, were even more cringe-worthy.
  7. Ennis
  8. Samson. The kid's name is friggin Samson. How many Samsons will the Sabres ever have? Case closed.
  9. Pavlovian conditioning says you learn to love it.
  10. I'm really not seeing a lack of heart. I'm seeing a team that can't generate a thing on the left side. Esp. Left point.
  11. You prefer 2-1 loses with 15 shots?
  12. Yep. It was bylsma more than Ruff playing bottled.
  13. Sabres are better. The game is dull. This is league wide. Leads don't change. As for Buffalo this wasn't going to change overnight.
  14. It's a good time for a time-out anyway. So I'll say it isn't dumb. I would have done the same thing.
  15. :lol:
  16. Turkey shoots down Russian jet. This could get interesting.
  17. I have a double losing hangover. Time for a run of luck.
  18. he needs the first shovel.
  19. I stopped buying brand named razors over a year ago. I've been getting DORCO razors online. I'm happy. I won't retire on the money I save. But it makes me feel better about shaving.
  20. Thanks. I was puzzling over your response. From what I can gather Jeb Bush and Cruz seem to favor a religious test, while Christie says that he'll just ban immigration from Syria. Trump says he'll even send the ones already here back: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/gop-primaries/255564-trump-if-i-win-ill-send-syrian-refugees-back Not sure where Rubio stands.
  21. So, do you favor a religious test to enter the country?
  22. That's $50. Payable in Liberty Silver Dollars.
  23. Whoa. I saw EICHEL open, but that looks like major pucksluttyness.
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