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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. It is the Canada Goose. Not the Canadian Goose. Canada Geese poop big. Unless you are trying to goose an ornithologist.
  2. Really it tends to be an NHL rule. New goalie, get everything to net. Make them work. As for the weak shots. I'm okay with a weak wrister in into the upper pillows if they keep popping in front on the rebound.
  3. Ducky's been honorable. He isn't trolling and hasn't posted anything he doesn't believe to be true. He should be welcome here. He's had a lot of good insight. Please don't push him out.
  4. If he wasn't working hard, I'd worry. He'll get better at seeing the openings, using his teammates, and picking his spots. Pierre Turgeon years ago was practically run out of town for only being very good instead of unbelievable. Don't underestimate how fickle the fan can be.
  5. Damn good backchecker, damn good away from the puck, opposite of lazy.
  6. Nah. That can't be right. Are you sure?
  7. Who doesn't love a great game of Hot Balls Messy Wipe.
  8. I always liked Myers, but you can't really pretend his best game is below the circles. His game is skating above them.
  9. Actually you can get easier.....a Vanguard Targeted Retirement fund does all these things.. Figure out your retirement date and you'll own all three sectors. it will readjust to greater bond holdings as you get older. This would be Vanguards 2055 (I'll probably be long gone by then) https://personal.vanguard.com/us/funds/snapshot?FundId=1487&FundIntExt=INT Percentage Fund Percentage 1 Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares 53.9% 2 Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Investor Shares 36.0% 3 Vanguard Total Bond Market II Index Fund Investor Shares† 7.1% 4 Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund Investor Shares 3.0% Total — 100.0% Characteristics as of 09/30/2015
  10. Let Webby play. It's his hometown. He's on the roster.
  11. I appreciate Paul Hamilton. If riding a little extra on a 3rd line player is his main fault, he's doing fine on balance. Really I think it is hard to be with the team nearly every day in a beat role, and still be critical. I think he's earned the respect of the team, and that allows him to do that.
  12. It's post tax money. Maybe they will tax it twice, but we've already paid tax on it.
  13. Match the company match. Put other savings in a Roth. Start a Roth. Start a Roth. Start a Roth. For God's sake youngins start a Roth.
  14. They are much better than most annuities. But, I'm not a fan of annuities. They have some nice choices though, I think you are too young to split with bonds. Consider their a 50/50 with their Growth with is indexed to the Russel, and their Stock fund. Think about Bonds in 10 to 15 years.
  15. I agree with every part of this. You're a smart drunkard.
  16. I generally find going into board or poster histories to be much less interesting than what's happening today, and poster perspectives in the now. Make it new. - ezra pound
  17. Funny Chris Christie's buddy Jerry Jones owns a large stake in Draft Kings, even as it is wiping out NJ gambling. Who cares about Fantasy? Christie's buddies. That's who?
  18. Well, that guy they did buy got shot just down the road. You never know what your going to get.
  19. Morgan, Carnegie and Rockefeller pretty much bought the election too....
  20. Darcy again? I still can't believe the Knox's fired Punch and Marcel.
  21. Bruce Mathison owned these chumps.
  22. And that's one reason why most 18 year olds aren't ready for the show. Guhle got scrambled, Eichel dodged that. Samson learned the hard way when he had his jumbo coffee last year. Elbows were up, and he looked like a prison fish for much of those 9.
  23. Or as the lady says, just soap operas for men.
  24. I literally went from saying game show to being accused of being complicit in Bengazhi in about 90 sec. I'm still shaking my head.
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