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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Watched it again. Mcdavid is really lucky it is just a collarbone. That's was close to a life on wheels
  2. Short careers really kill stats. Hurry Back McDavid. Hurry Back.
  3. This is going to hurt his stats. :P
  4. I'm just wondering where McDavid thought he was going on the play all alone. And ouch.
  5. 4) I'lll take this one. The people that can least afford ATM fees are paying the most as a percentage, It acts like a tax on poor communities, reducing both consumer surplus and producer surplus in local communities. This in essence is money that doesn't stay or get spent in communities and never stimulates small local economies. Economically speaking, the fundamental impact is no different than a tax. I understand banks need to make money, but the cap on a withdrawal fee as a percentage should never be more than 10% of the transaction IMO. This is still a good deal for the banks. $40 withdrawl....$4 fee. Limiting the fee to $1 would be high impact in local communities socially as well. People just don't want to walk around with lots of money because of crime.
  6. The family tells me yellow #5 that colors cheese products is not cheese. Damn them for spoiling my cheesy ignorance. I'm moving to make yellow #5 a cheese. That way I can live in peace for the rest of my snacking days.
  7. They are allowing contact within the frame of the body. Once it is outside that they are calling interference. They've been consistent, at least.
  8. Thread title should be: Zemgus The Destroyers Keep it plural people. Respects for Latvians Peoples
  9. I'm not sure, but for players and management I think it is an equilibrium they can live with. Part of it I believe is players and owners didn't like the lopsided result in many of the 82 games in a long season when they didn't have legs, they fear embarrassment more than they like the thrills of a faster product. IMO. Refs really try to be consistent. Refs never want to leave the impression that they decided the game. Last Sabres game really was a pretty clean game for instance.
  10. As long as banks have access to the fed discount window, I think they can accept some regulation. I'm disturbed by the $5 fees for people in inner cities to take out $20, when they have the the least access to normal banking hours and places that will accept checks. I think government has the right to regulate anything on the roads. But, Good idea? The threat of regulation is a powerful motivator to keep that industry clean and self-regulate. I like that there is that threat.
  11. Me too. Especially on entries. I don't think the league is going to touch it soon.
  12. I thought the isles Sabres was an evenly called game. A lot of stuff they let go behind the play, some stuff an both sides were missed, but a well called game is really one where the players dictate the result. That was true.
  13. Didn't Cookie Gilchrist used to jump out of helicopters? seeing a baseball game is pretty tame stuff.
  14. Let me clarify. I don't think individual shooting percentages mean much at all. They might tell something,but for the life of me, I can't think they are used much. Unlike say, basketball, when a player shoots, it is a shot (even if it is an airball). But shooting percentage in the NHL is is goals/shots on goal not goals/shots attempted.....so there are no missed shots, blocked shots, or fanned shots in the arithmetic. A Paul Cyr might have had a lifetime 13% shooting percentage or something, but not factored in to that were the 150 shots a year that never hit net and wounded happy fans from Angola, West Seneca, and Lewis-ton over the glass. I just don't think it S% is a very helpful number, or a very good comparable stat. between players. Corsi is much better.
  15. I'm chuckling a little at this. If something can be safely predicted, I'm not sure how much use it is. Paul Byron is shooting 100% He will probably regress 85% over a season. While safe, I'm not going to say that one is particularly important. Shooting percentage measures the shots that hit net. He could miss the net the next 300 shots and still be shooting 100% and never regress.
  16. Really I am delighted Paul Byron is shooting 100 percent. Sure it means something, it is kind of like the old NL baseball cards where a set-up reliever batted 5 times all season and got 2 hits and batted .400 for the year.
  17. The pairs are really something Lindy did, or still does. The difference is how they are implemented. Lindy paired LW-C for years, and would float all the RW's onto different lines. Byslma has pairs, but uses them to double shift his best players regardless of position.
  18. :lol: I'll rephrase......there is very little utility in knowing those numbers as percentages.
  19. Not luck driven, but often meaningless. Paul Byron has 2 goals and is shooting 100% Joel Ward is shooting 34%. Zucharello is shooting 28% They just don't mean anything.
  20. I have to admit, I think Bylsma is a much better coach than I ever gave him credit for from his handling of the Pitt roster.
  21. When you get to the end choice, sometimes there is one you are voting against. Centrists get pushed to the left or right all the time.
  22. Is it historical revisionism for those that were saying, "Ted is dumb, dumb, dumb, there is no transition game." ? Because I'm pretty sure, those that were saying that still haven't changed their minds.
  23. Johnson's puck-handling is really poor.
  24. Definitely. Stage two is usually to try to get him moving laterally.
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