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Johnny DangerFace

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Everything posted by Johnny DangerFace

  1. Im not trying to come off as a stafford fan, but what the heck are you guys talking about him not being clutch. No one on this team was clutch, but at least stafford had the two most clutch SO goals of the year.... Several people scored yesterday....
  2. he has deceptive speed?
  3. I am not sure why, but this was the funniest post this season :w00t:
  4. Let me first say I want stafford gone as the next one, but this season he is having extremely bad luck. Statiscally speaking, he should have quite a bit more goals... He is leading the team in shots with 111 (shocked to realize this), and his shooting percentage is under 5%. To put that into perspective, he has only shot under 10% twice in his career. While that 2010 season was an abberation on the opposite of the spectrum, I just wanted to point out he is not this bad. A change of scenery would be ideal for him, and maybe something DR could push this summer? (Even including this year, his career shooting percentage is about 2.5 times more than this year)
  5. yea.......... that wasn't the best night to watch hockey
  6. Tell me about it. Team looks terrible............
  7. "...said his coach abused him and other players laughed at him. The humiliation was terrible."
  8. Thread Awards Welcome to the first ever thread awards! To the most clever and under-appreciated comment we have LaFontaineToMogliny with this gem: And then RambosKnife won the Angry Eleven award with this unprovoked irrational angry comment (what did flash mobs do to his mother?): And then if he meant what I think he meant, Neo delivers the best jab at the sabres comment: And with the I Like Boobs award, Andrew Amerk ran away with it with this classic:
  9. agreed on all but ennis, he is a top 6 talent......
  10. Alllllll I know is let's go beat the jets gang! Let's all go to the above thread, and I hope to hear plenty of booing tonight!
  11. 1 or 2 only???? Vanek giving up his body every game? Ott, kaketa and foligno hitting everything? The Hoff playing great d every game? Weber has grit? Gerbe and the ahl kids seem to give everything as well. And ennis & Hodgson are producing. And miller and enroth always give it their all Players like stafford I understand the frustration, and this team was built wrong and has holes. But bs about players not giving it their all is wrong in my opinion. The reason I like watching this team so much is because they do have some grit, hard workers, and have some talented young kids. Need more talent for sure, but I plenty of players giving it their all
  12. Lolololol. I forgot you can't talk with trolls. If you all want to blame anyone, blame yourselves for buying tickets and supporting the franchise and then being silly enough to think you all are the ones standing up and sending message by booing.
  13. Sell your tickets, don't go, stop buying the season tickets, etc. And I guarantee an unpurchased seat speaks more than a bunch of silly fans booing
  14. If you want to send a message, don't buy tickets. Owners don't hear boos, players do. Can't stand a lot of buffalo fans
  15. I can't stand those of you who boo when the team is still in a game. It has no positive effects, and it would be ignorant for you all to think it sends a message to ownership. All it can do is fluster the young players and make the fans look bad. You don't think it thinks poorly if the fans now? If you all want to send a message, don't buy tickets.... You send the only message the owner can hear, you don't have to watch a team you boo, and no one has to hear you! It's a win win. (Why go to game if you are going to boo when we are winning or tied? Goofballs)
  16. I hit it with a hockey stick while my 2nd favorite goldfish watched
  17. I bought a goldfish that same week of the practice. And within 5 months, the top 2 prospects in the sabres organinzation were either traded or buried in Rochester. Is that not enough for people to question why I buy goldfishes?
  18. goooooo sabres! BRING THE PAIN I would love a top 3 pick, but would love to beat these lovely bunch off ######
  19. Ok, well, another one of those car avatar people that starts with a J commenting about miller. One of you are very anti-miller, the other not so much. I'm taking it you are the hater :) But no offense, that was a very ignorant comment. As if any blame can be placed on miller tonight
  20. I understand the logic, but a poll asking if I want my team to win or not is laughable.
  21. haha. did you know that "Buf­falo buf­falo Buf­falo buf­falo buf­falo buf­falo Buf­falo buf­falo” is a gram­mat­i­cally valid sentence.
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