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Johnny DangerFace

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Everything posted by Johnny DangerFace

  1. gerbe will get the overtime winner!
  2. seriously......robyn.....no more passing
  3. yeah they wouldn't be able to trade for him for a calendar year
  4. well to be fair how would any member know which players are available to be traded and which aren't being shopped around. Sort of unfair question to ask
  5. Honestly, let's just trade drew stafford? Yes? yes
  6. Yea stats can be deceiving. Give me a break, the other factors is the fact this man has no defense. His save percentage is a miracle its where its at. I'm going to start ignoring you because you are beyond ridiculous. Miller sucks, if enroth was playing we would be doing better. whatever you win
  7. I'm just being honest with you, but this team has so many problems right now its ridiculous. But if I could take one positive thing is that Miller has looked great this season and he is responsible for us being close in so many of these losses. The guy has no help and I actually feel sorry for him, its pathetic. And you are going out of your way to start a crusade against him. The enroth vs. miller debate has ended a while ago. Stop continuing it. Enroth still has a lot of potential, but miller is a superstar currently. Its not one or the other.
  8. how anyone can watch these games and think miller has anything to do with the problem is beyond me. seriously, pick any other position. goalie stats don't mean anything when you have a team that makes so many mental mistakes and a serious lack of talent on the D
  9. i hate that wording.
  10. it has been a very solid period, could have given up a goal or two more but we could have scored a few more easily as well. Besides tj, he has been horrid
  11. i totally agreed with you when i thought the topic title was "more vanek"
  12. I am 22 years old and that man has been there as far back as I can remember :(
  13. oh man, what a great shot staff
  14. i mean sure our 4th line has played better than the rest, but it has been a team effort of suck tonight
  15. yea there isnt any doubt this is their worst effort. wow
  16. what an ugly turnover. no excuse for that
  17. that was one of the best penalty kills I'v seen thus far. nice work by kaleta
  18. we are under that team's skin, it funny because bruins fans are in the mindset we have their number. love it
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