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Johnny DangerFace

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Everything posted by Johnny DangerFace

  1. Oh you missed a lot. We can now move the ball at will! But not near the goaline, that would be weird
  2. "Well it's gotta work eventually" - Roman
  3. We make it all the way down there, and then go back to the same stupid plays
  4. this team today lol Anyone notice not one time did we throw into the end zone
  5. The amount of penalties in each game is crap too. Also hate the new xp range.
  6. I think we were heavily penalized last year (could be wrong but it sure felt the same as this crap)
  7. It's karmic justice for a lot of things
  8. Yea. We had a good rhythm until penalties kicked in
  9. Iv never seen so many throws so short of the first down marker on 3rd down
  10. I think that's both true and obvious. Why the play calling in the first half happened is beyond me. Unless it's Taylor not throwing the ball
  11. First downs??? I'm happy the ball is traveling more than 5 yards ahhh there's the penalty this drive needed
  12. 3rd quarter I'll provide a breakdown later
  13. Yup A little redemption there
  14. Agreed! Game turns around here!
  15. At least they aren't annoying. I'll take an announcer that adds nothing to the game at this point Eli's face really is so derpy
  16. when they do that play where they throw it out of bonds down the sideline for 30 yards its time for colton to up
  17. I think bills are confusing yards for inches in this nickel and dime approach.
  18. ***trying to date pornstars*** He did date porsha from real housewifes, who I consider a B- list celebrity
  19. His angle was so bad I dont think he even had the chance to miss that tackle But seriously, the guy always finds his way into the game
  20. Dude, thigpen, you can let that ball drop inside the 5
  21. Duke is the worst player on the team. Somehow when he's not dating celebrities, he keeps finding himself in the game
  22. Sacks are vastly overrated. Exhibit games 1 and 3 Pressuring the QB is the important stat.
  23. I think you do actually. I said it would have been a disaster if they snapped, and there wasn't a zero percent chance. If you want to argue over 0 percent chances then continue to go for it. I made the statement, your arguing the chance is zero. Anyways, When are we gonna get rid of sideline reporters? Who likes them?
  24. Yea I'm aware. But you two must be new to buffalo sports to think the bills had a zero percent chance of doing something stupid.
  25. Well you wouldn't think...but this is buffalo. I wouldn't speak in absolutes with this team
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