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Aud Fellow

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Everything posted by Aud Fellow

  1. Any more updates on what folks are doing? Deadline day is rapidly approaching...
  2. My problem with giving them up is I don’t think we’ll be able to find a ticket in town for a decent price once they are good again. And I think seasons will definitely not be easy to get...so holding on to them is insurance for a year or two from now...
  3. What are your/your friends' plans for season ticket renewals? Have they changed since winning the draft lottery? I was probably going to let mine lapse, but now I'm not so sure. I have a friend still planning to let his lapse. Trying to add a poll to this too...
  4. Thanks all, I have to agree it looks like Zemgus.
  5. Was a gift, so it could be older, but I am suspecting someone from the last 5 years or less. Thinking starts with M, N, W?
  6. I'm not sure if this topic exists elsewhere (tried searching, "autograph" brings back a ton of results. Any help with this one would be appreciated.
  7. Like whatever...no matter what comes of it, what the hell is he doing putting himself in this situation? Under age? Of age? Girl he "knows"? One night stand? Doesn't matter, they're all excuses for doing things he shouldn't be doing. Like beating up a cab driver...'oh, he kept my money'! Good one. Great role models. Not getting married til your friend gets married is akin to "boys will be boys". There's a reason this stuff happens with attitudes like that. Haha
  8. I imagine its because of the age we live in (or hopefully it's because it just goes without mentioning), but why is Kane involved with a woman/girl like this? Don't give me the macho "boys will be boys", or "how can he know how old she is"! At some point we need to hold folks accountable for their actions, athletes and celebrities included. Poor decisions will lead to bad results. Save it for your wife
  9. Are these three big whiners Jerry, Bucky, & Schopp? Seriously though, I bet you guys were the ones whining the loudest to get rid of Darcy and Ruff, and now you're still whining despite getting what you wanted. This will be a great moment for the franchise, take some xanax.
  10. This will be a special game to be at...can't wait to see #39 up in the rafters.
  11. Probably a bar for after the game would be good. Any Sabres/buffalo ones? Canes tickets are cheap too, like Panthers. Maybe a trip to see the Biltmore and a Canes game would be fun.
  12. Sidestepping the constitution with abusive executive action, attempts to sidestep Congress with firearm legislation by the UN, threats of executive action on illegal immogration, Cap and trade attempts with the UN. Seems like some extreme, centralized executive power grabs unlike any liberal before. Heck, you can tell he is by who he's friends with: "###### America" Jeremiah Wright and unapologetic bomber Bill Ayers. Would that make him radical left enough for you?
  13. I disagree. The left has moved ultra left with Obama. Hillary has even had to move left to compete. The FBI used to sniff out socialists as a threat to our country, now we have one in the white house whose self described goal was to "fundamentally change the country." The right has had the same core principles since Lincoln (strong national defense, low taxes, limited government, individual responsibility), they are simply having to be more vocal to combat the big government socialists dominating the democratic party, which the now in the tank liberal media feels the need to point out in attempt to silence.
  14. I am planning to catch the Sabres/Panthers game down in Florida in February this year. Any good recommendations of places to go before or after the game, unique to the area or connected to the Sabres? Does anyone have any other away games on their agenda or have good away game recommendations? I'm looking to try catching some more away games in the years ahead and want to get planning. Been to a dozen or so games at Verizon Center in DC and that was always fun (although their fans don't know squat so it's a bit annoying to watch a game with their hyper reactions).
  15. Conveniently, on NHL tonight they mentioned how miller passed Hasek in career saves with the Sabres. And what do you know, funny how similar, they actually look better under Miller!?!?: Games: 493 miller 491 hasek Wins: 265 miller 234 hasek Saves: 13332 miller 13308 hasek But ya, those hasek years were the glory days? So much better than the runs of just a couple years ago with briere and Drury, right? Both time periods are a mix like it is for most teams. Your point is similar to Bucky and Sully...change facts to fit your agenda. Well, it don't work that way. Yes, we haven't done what we all want the last couple years, but get real, unless you bottom out for ten years like Pittsburgh, chicago, kings, etc, you can't dominate year after year and in many ways your screams for change would be for changes sake and can actually damage a team more than help. The one exception of course was lidstrom's red wings.
  16. Thank you! Between Schopp and Bucky/Sully (I won't throw in the whole media, guys like Vogl actually REPORT to get their readers), it's no wonder Buffalo fans are such pessimists. There are 29 other teams trying to do the same thing as us, every year, win a Cup. Regier and Ruff kept us competitive during their time, with some great runs, about as close as it gets, yet those media nuts scream for both their heads because of underperformance the last couple years. We brought in some of the top free agents and made some great trades, no one predicted such a poor start, yet these guys can place direct blame on Ruff and Regier. No perspective, just playing on disappointments. As long as their is any disappointment in a season, these particular media hacks will still be shouting for attention "Woe is us, the poor Sabres fans!" and I agree with Pegula, that doesn't help anyone (just gets people's attention).
  17. Stop using facts, preventing us from being miserable! Fire everyone!
  18. Exactly! Thanks, Eleven
  19. How about we get the coach with the most Stanley Cups....mmm, choose the leading coach tied with 1 cup. Ruff does his job well and is pretty much the most experienced coach in the league. The Caps are on a roller coaster season which almost looked done prior to this week. Boudreau still looks good out in Anaheim while the Caps continue to flounder searching for the replacement. Firing him made their fans feel good and able to blame someone in the short term....well, the Caps looks even worse having gone through two coaches since. The Sabres have some good pieces, hopefully they can mesh. Ruff gets a lot out of his players, sets a serious tone for the team, not much else you can ask for from a coach. GM brings in the players, players gotta play. Oh wait, the critics will say we need to bring in that coach that miraculously and automatically wins a Cup. Riiiight, it works like that.
  20. As discussion about how to best handle Grigorenko's development continues (in the midst of the minority of Sabres fans yell ridiculous comments about Ruff's alleged inability to develop talent, which is another discussion for another thread), I keep hearing people talk about Seguin's development as if his career has been the standard for player development. I don't know if I'm missing something, but it's looking like he is on the verge of a disappointing season. Don't get me wrong, he's talented, but he was talented before his NHL development. What about his development needs to be done to Grigorenko? Seems like a bunch of hype and standard complaining from the Buffalo News and WGR evening guys.
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