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Matty Ice

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Everything posted by Matty Ice

  1. This looks awesome!!! Closest city looks like Pittsburg. I think I might have to sign up for this.
  2. I was thinking along the same lines. I do not advocate getting rid of a player, just for the sake of "shaking things up", but I would be interested to see what the Sabres would do with the additional cap space. Exactly, if they can unload the 2, then restock the farm, while obtaining a legit Center, I would be satisfied. At the end of the day though, this is all rumor and speculation. I really hope there is some merit to this.
  3. FWIW, I was reading ESPN Insider earlier today, and they had a post about Stafford and Roy in the Rumors section. Apparantly the Toronto Sun is reporting that the Sabres are willing to listen to offers about Derek Roy and Drew Stafford. Sabres are interested in in draft picks, and prospects in order to put them in a better "financial situation". (I would of posted the link, but I am unclear of the protocal in regards to posting links to paid websites on Sabrespace.) It goes on to say that potential suitors would be teams looking to make a playoff push, and in need of an affordable top 6 forward. The Detroit Red Wings were listed specifically.
  4. It definitely was. My only complaints, are that Merle didn't come back for real, and they still haven't found Sophia. I really hope they conclude that arche soon. Darryl is the greatest character of all time. Norman Reedus owned that episode. Definitely the best show so far this season.
  5. If we do, he will be a lot thinner. Those Zombies were tearing him apart.
  6. Poor Otis!
  7. I personally found that scene to be hilarious. Is there something wrong with me? I concur with your concerns regarding the lost girl, and the shot boy. However, the most entertaining parts of last nights episode (hanging zombie, and the sacrifice of Otis) were spin offs of those 2 story arches.
  8. I think they did. Some parts of the episode dragged, but the pay off at the end was excellent. Shane has become one of the more complex/interesting characters on the show. I hope he sticks around. I know he has already exceeded his shrelf life if you go by the comic book.
  9. That was always my big question with shows like "Walking Dead", and "American Horror Story." How can they sustain the pace of the pilots. So far both shows are doing fine. But like you said, brain splattering (even though it is awesome) eventually becomes routine. Really interested to see how they develop the characters, because in the end, the conflicts between the characters will make or break either show. My DVR is filling up pretty quick with TWD, AHS, and SOA.
  10. Even though the actual kill wasn't too special, the Zombie autopsy was pretty crazy.
  11. I really hope Meryl Dixon returns this year. Michael Rucker owns every scene his in. Daryl Dixon is becoming the single most awesome character on TV. The premier had its ups (the zombie herd was unreal), and downs (TWO Jesus confessionals...really?). Overall though, I am still invested in this show. I can't wait til next week!
  12. Personally I can't get enough of bro-rock and dated metal. I will take a pass on Robbie Takac. My suggestions: Creeping Dealth or For Whom the Bell Tolls - Metallica (Although I am all for Enter Sandman) Testify or Bombtrack - Rage Against the Machine The Clincher - Chevelle Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue
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