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Everything posted by Cityo'Rasmii

  1. I'd love to see them prove me wrong, but this week things will NOT change as far as the PP, as far as how they play the 1st period, and continued absence of net front presence.
  2. cabo wabo
  3. "It's just frustrating, inexcusable, and exhausting to be here right now." (minor edification) go Sabres
  4. 67 you whippersnappers go Sabres
  5. I'm ready to hear cindy the kid 5 thousand times Fify Go Sabres
  6. "Stay in the moment" ...OK Hope you are feeling better, Donny go Sabres
  7. Fire up that expresso machine again?? 🤪
  8. Boy, what a treat seeing Lindy's club come out firing. I sure miss him... Don't get me wrong as far as where my allegiance lies but we are a messed up deal in need of lots of TLC. go Sabres
  9. Hope you've been watching, KA you've been pretty quiet, how's this lookin' to ya
  10. I'm out go SabreSpace go Sabres 2024 has to be better
  11. don't leave! even Gary's called TP offering his primal assistance
  12. ya got that right @Wyldnwoody44 if it weren't for my beer goggles
  13. Laissez-faire stop them with a stretched stick, no body
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