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Everything posted by Cityo'Rasmii

  1. LOVED the John Kerry swift boat attack
  2. ha ha ...actually, the geek resembles a minnie me of TM with the same version of designer frames
  3. ...oh yeah!...Tyler's composure and payoff, yapping little punk's expressions & antics, the runt in the box, super job & win for Jhonas, beating them in our barn, grit and desire shown by the lineup, Chara undressed to watch Matt light it up
  4. I don't post much but here's a couple musings... We live near Lancaster, OH and have had the Rockmill belgians...I'm not a big fan of belgians but Rockmill's claim to fame is how similar the local water attributes are to the water in Belgium...I totally support local business and wish them absolutely the best! As a consumer and proud American, I am happy to see the explosion of craft brewers and understand that the total number of current craft brewers in the US is now equal to the number of brewers pre-prohibition! That speaks for itself! My preference is IPA/APA and am fortunate to enjoy the following as my faves: Founders Brewing Grand Rapids, MI Centennial, Double Trouble Ithaca Brewing Ithaca, NY Flower Power Columbus Brewing Columbus, OH Bodhi Ballast Point San Diego, CA Sculpin Jackie O's Athens, OH Mystic Mama no matter what...GO SABRES!!
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