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Everything posted by Cityo'Rasmii

  1. puck went off pred stick and the ref was 5 feet from the puck!!!!!!!!!!
  2. We got Reino and we got this
  3. his ability to hold the post was abysmal
  4. you need DD to signoff on that 1st and good luck with that
  5. If anyone like's rye whiskey I would strongly recommend Knob Creek :flirt:
  6. Wow that was so sweeeeet
  7. Cody!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Lehner saves our bacon
  9. Ridiculous they didn't see that? Or, they are protecting the Habs lead. . .
  10. I think that's what forwards are supposed to do
  11. I like their game and Franson is taking out his man regularly
  12. Robin looks steady
  13. Let's do this Sabres
  14. ROR is a beast! What tenacity! His conditioning shines along with his skill
  15. you are a joke abysmal
  16. ROR threw off Dekeyser and took it home!
  17. Bogo was as good as beat there = surprise
  18. Reinhart's pickpocket was sweet
  19. Tell us about available coaches too
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