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Everything posted by Cityo'Rasmii

  1. Screw cbus and screw torts
  2. I could be wrong but I think we're even further away from seeing a "C" handed out. .
  3. Agree^ and can't wait to see what changes are made. . .
  4. I couldn't help myself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_t59To7Snk
  5. ^ This
  6. Speaking for myself, I know I can sleep much better as a result of getting clarification on Beaulieu's name pronunciation (thanks, pi). Now, if we can get his contract set. . .
  7. "Wake me up before you Bogo. . ."
  8. What would Russ do?
  9. Thanks, 3putt - great feedback sounds like you were at the right place at the right time
  10. :w00t: Russ in the Daredevil Museum
  11. What matter said matters
  12. construction unction no wonder zfg is so quiet must be the blue line oh, blue line and construction - the system is fine anyway, bet Hartnell keeps 1 eye on the rear view mirror on March 28 go Sabres
  13. hartnell is a philly phlunky
  14. coney hotdog D coney hotdog missed assignments
  15. Tanky Tanky Baby bye bye abysmal
  16. I believe there was a recent post on this board claiming that the system in Rochester was intended to be same game strategy (e.g. "stretch" pass, etc.) as the big club so for a player that came up it would be a smooth transition Someone can jump in and correct me but I understand that the Amerks are in last place UGH go Sabres
  17. :w00t: 5 men back?
  18. commentator is an idiot
  19. Is it Carl Hagelin or Carla Hagelin? Cindy can slash her little heart out and the zebras look the other way
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