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Everything posted by Cityo'Rasmii

  1. I really question the call on Hayden. Would like to see the replay
  2. And a ride on the yacht And something to offset the decade of pain & suffering while still showing allegiance to the blue and gold Go Sabres
  3. Our great play and beating the Leafs T
  4. Would absolutely love to see us rip 'em in their barn Go Sabres
  5. totally agree fify go Sabres
  6. How about the non-call when Krebs was being held behind the net? Ref was what maybe 6 feet away?
  7. Also, increasing cbj's chances of making the playoffs...not happy here at all Nonetheless, the Sabres will ALWAYS be my team
  8. Have one for me Thwomp! Wish I was there with ya go Sabres
  9. Was Krebs being held behind the net before the scruff? I can't blame him for throwing his elbow
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