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Everything posted by Cityo'Rasmii

  1. I'm at the game and I think Comrie's holding his own considering there's not much immediately in front of him. Go Sabres
  2. Patty tore him up, major
  3. I would think these games mean something to the coaches, trainers and players
  4. And better than CBJ
  5. We were just there last Saturday and had a great time. Back in OH for now... Wish I could join w/my fellow sabrespacers. Make the best of it!!!!!
  6. I didn't listen to Adams but listened to most of DG's presser. My take > I'm a Meatballs Believa Go Sabres
  7. Yeah, Minnie here
  8. Let's get one!!! go Sabres
  9. Just tuning in...nice on Mule no D?
  10. Casey looking to the heavens got it from John go Sabres
  11. Thank you, RJ I missed the raising to the rafters last night but watched the video 1st thing this morning. Tears rolled off my face. Thank you for so many, many wonderful years. You are a legacy of my team go Sabres
  12. Broadcasters doing some serious John ball washing
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