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Everything posted by Bmwolf21

  1. It is a Linksys, and I am looking to replace it at some point. This isn't the first time it's given me problems. Replacing it might happen soon, we're waiting to see if my wife's company will reimburse us for all or part of it, since she is using it to get online to work at home. I'm starting to feel the same way. I have a nice list of crap that's pissing me off, so I might have to start my own blog to bitch about the world.
  2. I assume a lot of people still use the Adobe Reader, because it's probably the most well-known (best-marketed) program out there. I switched to Foxit last year and absolutely love it - especially the fact that it is such a smaller program.
  3. Why the heck don't all hardware/software companies give you that option? At the very least, how about a warning - "hey, gonna install a bunch of crap that you don't want and will screw up your machine, hijack your settings and require nine virus scans, two spyware scans and a complete reinstall of your OS to get rid of this crap."
  4. I'm going to pull in one from yesterday - my wireless router just stopped working, the network name disappeared, the network key gone. Wife (who works from home) had to wake me up to tell me that she couldn't get online, so I had to reset the wireless network first thing. Oh, and my other long-standing complaint - Vista sucks. Every day that passes I lean more and more toward uninstalling Vista and going back to XP.
  5. So far (from what I can tell) this particular phenomena has been limited to TBS leading up to the new season of the crappy Engvall show. I've read (on other message boards) that TBS got a pretty decent-sized negative response, so maybe they got the point. It absolutely infuriated me the first time I saw it. I'm mostly immune to the other types - the silent, walk into the corner ads, but these were actively interfering with the shows I was watching.
  6. I agree to a point (I like those crawls when a game runs over and the following coverage starts elsewhere) but I'll see your annoying screen crawls and raise you the TNT/TBS/USA in-show pop-up ads. I reached the apex of my hatred for those ads when TBS started "pausing" shows to allow Bill Engvall to walk out in front of the screen and plug his crappy show. STORY LINK Here's a YouTube video: 2vUtfG9Bkec
  7. I don't know. All the ones I've been to seem to have a similar demographic mix as McDonald's, BK, etc., but maybe Chick does a better job of training or does a better job of screening their prospective employees -- or some combination of both.
  8. How the hell did I miss this the first time through? Good stuff, BtP.... :thumbsup: I agree, but to borrow a phrase from a TSW rant thread - "it is what it is." I expect bad attitudes and crappy service from 90% of the fast food industry. The big exception is Chick-fil-A - they always seem to have happy people who actually don't act like you're a bother when you actually dare to order food. I've never dealt with a bad employee at a Chick-fil-A. I've heard they treat their employees very well and really work at removing workers with bad attitudes/customer service skills.
  9. I prefer to order from Amazon or some other online retailer, so when I am looking for a particular book I'll stop in a shopping center bookstore to see if they have it (so I can thumb through and decide if I really want to buy it.) I really hate when they don't have the book in stock, but push you to order it from them. Yeah, I want to make another trip out the mall to decide whether I want the book. If I'm going to order it sight unseen, I'd rather it come right to my house so I can drop it right back in the mall if it sucks.
  10. :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: Amen. That one just made it on my growing list of complaints against the world.
  11. They F*** YOU at the drive-thru, okay? They F*** YOU at the drive-thru! They know you're gonna be miles away before you find out you got f***ed! They know you're not gonna turn around and go back, they don't care. So who gets F***ed? Ol' Labatt Blue! Okay, sure! I don't give a F***! I'm not eating this tuna, okay?
  12. is it a YouTube? If so, just: youtube YouTube ID Number /youtube (don't forget the brackets, and use the YouTube ID numbers after the v=) EAPhqXj_24I
  13. On this we can agree. I have an ongoing list that I started a few weeks ago and have been adding to it and editing as situations arise. It's up to about a dozen detailed complaints right now. I'm getting so I hate the world.
  14. You've got mail....
  15. I don't have the attachment option in any forum, and I've tried posting using both IE and FireFox...I think you guys just don't wants to see my pcis... :(
  16. RJ & Lorentz are homers, they are just a lot more subtle about it. I really think NESN would completely ignore the opposition during the pregame and in-game announcing - except to tell us all how much the B's opponents cheat, they get away with stuff.... I honestly think that it is a subtle little way of them degrading/mocking the opponents, kind of like how Bush I purposely mispronounced "Saddam." If not, then someone needs to slap the PbP announcer and tell him it's not Guh-staad, and it's not Beer-on.
  17. Back to the Sabres game for a sec...I was impressed by Marty tonight, he made some big stops at key moments. If he continues to play like that he'll make a strong case for a decent contract in free agency. The NESN announcers were absolutely horrible, like usual. Over the last few games, Briere & Drury have really picked up their games. I really hope Darcy finds a way to keep them both, and gets it done before they hit the open market. Vanek seems to be MIA right now. Maybe he's sick (flu?) or maybe, like Miller, he just needs a night off. Why, exactly, did the Bruins trade Raycroft to the Leafs? Thomas looks like a backup to me.
  18. It would be real nice to get that 4th goal now and put this one away.
  19. Nice shot by Pommer, nice to see him get a chance to uncork one. I think Thomas is going to want that one back, though.
  20. Anyone else think Vanek would really benefit from playing with a true power forward, someone who can teach him how to dish out the hits instead of constantly being on the receiving end?
  21. I get as frustrated with Tooth's comments as anyone, but this board exists to discuss all aspects of the Sabres, their players, the game play - everything good AND bad. It's not a cheerleader board and it's not a Sabres PR tool - so there will be negative opinions expressed. We don't have to pull together and all be positive, especially when they are playing poorly. If you think it's bad here, go to Sabres.com or SabreFans.com and see how positive they are. If you really can't stand an individual's comments, then click on their name, click profile options and select "ignore user."
  22. What are we supposed to comment on - that despite the fact that their effort is spotty at best, they've gotten two big breaks and now lead? A Gaustad pick and a puck that bounces in off the defenseman's skate...
  23. We do have 7 defenseman dressed... :angry: WTG Lydman, showing some balls...
  24. We should make a NESN Announcers Drinking Game. Take a shot every time Brickley makes a smartass comment about the "new NHL"; take a drink when either announcer complains about a non-call; and chug a beer when they compare a non-call to something previously called on the Bruins.
  25. Glad to see the Bruins have something to cry about now... <_< Kalinin can't handle Primeau coming out of the corner. :wallbash:
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