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Everything posted by Bmwolf21

  1. I usually can't wait for Complaint Thursdays, and then I get up this morning and get busy doing other stuff and chasing the little guy around the house, and have forgotten what I wanted to complain about. I'll need some time to think about it....
  2. I'm already tired of election season. I'm tired of seeing Dubya on the TV shifting blame to others. I really hate coming home to find that Dubya's TV address screwed up my DVR recording of Criminal Minds. On a non-complaint side note - "Complaint Thursdays" are now my favorite thread.
  3. And on the flip side, :censored: the douchebag who puts their turn signal on approximately a half-mile from their intended turn, and then passes several turning possibilities along the way.
  4. Hmmm...suddenly my PDF roster issue seems rather trivial and insignificant (mostly stemming from the fact that it is pretty much trivial and insignificant.) Good luck, 526.
  5. PDF format, so I can't tinker with it or change it. I wish, but I need all three pages. It's just a football roster, so I can't pick and choose what sections I need. The problem is they used a larger font and larger page margins than necessary, and as a result, a roster of approx. 71 players gets spread out over three pages. For reference: their opponent this week has 64 players on the roster. The teams I covered last week had 70 and 96 players respectively. All of them managed to limit their roster on one page, and it's readable.
  6. Well he deserves it. :thumbsup:
  7. Damn straight. Some of the mods here are over-officious jerks. :thumbsup:
  8. :lol: I asked my editor if we could send them a hint by emailing them a basic roster template or even sending one of the other schools' rosters to use as a guide. I was only half-joking. But seriously she was of the opinion that with 180 schools in our coverage area, we take what we can get roster-wise. I can only hope that one of the other schools says something to them when they send the rosters to their opponents for inclusion in the gameday programs. No one wants to waste all that extra paper.
  9. On Friday nights I cover high school football games for the newspaper, so I call the schools ahead of time to get rosters, talk with the AD, make sure I'm set to talk to coaches after the game, etc. One of the schools for this Friday's game sent me a frigging 3-page roster, in 12-point font and complete with numbers for home AND away jerseys. That would be understandable if there was a significant number of players with different numbers for home and away, but there are NONE. Everyone on that roster has the same number for both home and away. Now, when I'm writing my story under deadline on Friday night, I will have to flip through a three-page roster to find names and numbers. More work and headaches.
  10. While I have the floor, I'll go with "idiot coworkers who make more work for you by promising things to others while failing to communicate with you so you can do your job." As an example: I work part-time evenings at the YMCA, doing membership and program registrations, helping with classes, etc., and one guy - one of the directors - continues to tell members when they can do certain things, such as pick up their t-shirts and equipment for the flag football league. But then he doesn't tell us when people will be coming in, doesn't tell us where to find the stuff, and doesn't leave us a key to his office. So when they come in (usually 15 minutes before closing, when I'm the only staff member in the entire facility) I can't find the stuff, have no access to his office and can't get anyone on the phone, I end up getting yelled at by a ticked-off volunteer coach who "drove all the way down here just to get this stuff." :wallbash:
  11. First complaint: people who lock the thread while I'm working on my reply. Thanks a lot, Blue....<_<
  12. Cool. Gmail also integrated the AIM program into their website, so your AIM contacts show up in the Gmail contacts and you can chat there. Saves a download and install...
  13. I couldn't find a YouTube link but this site sums up Peter Griffin's final "What Grinds My Gears" segment. WARNING - NSFW. That's crazy talk. AOL overdoing something? No frigging way. Like when I sign on to my dial-up account while on deadline, and have to wait while 5 different AOL windows open up - because every time I sign on I want to see the channels, my buddy list, my welcome screen and two other things they think I might be interested in....:wallbash: BTW, if you have more than one Instant Messenger (e.g., Yahoo, MSN, etc.) try Trillian.
  14. You know what else really Grinds My Gears? You, America. F :censored: You! EDIT: :oops: Don't know why the quoted post didn't show up the first time. Sorry!
  15. Something I've been pondering, and the query was born of a drive-home rant last week... We hear the same stuff all the time on how to make your fuel $$ go further - combine trips, make sure the tires are inflated, take unnecessary items out of the vehicle, etc. - but I wonder how much fuel is wasted at traffic signals that are out of sync? In my little suburb there are at least three-four lights that run strictly on timers - XX seconds green for the north/south traffic, followed by XX seconds for turning arrows for the N/S traffic, then the east/west sides get the same treatment. Since they are on timers they change no matter if anyone is waiting for the light or not. So it got me wondering - how much gas is wasted when people have to stop for a traffic light that changed only for the sake of changing?
  16. True. I got rolling and couldn't stop the "Complain Train."
  17. Folks, please - for the love of all that is Holy - if you can't deal with driving in rush-hour traffic, then stay TF off the roads between 4-6 p.m. If you're approaching the intersection where you need to make a left-hand turn, don't slam on the brakes and then get into the turning lane. When you call for information or are looking for an answer to a question - please try to give me the CliffsNotes version of the situation. I don't need your life story, nor the previous six months' of problems, unless it is unquestionably directly relevant to the question at hand. Land the damn plane already...
  18. I'm just generally pissed off this AM, so I don't even know where to start. Wait, here's a start - starting from Tuesday I have to work 19 straight days and have only three scheduled days off for the month of September. :angry:
  19. Wow. Never got them at home or on the cell, but the wife's home office lines gets them all the time. The home is definitely a violation if you're on the DNC list, and the cell should be a violation as well. I think the only lines exempt from the DNC list are true business lines.
  20. You getting those at home or at work?
  21. That's another one that gets me. Why the hell doesn't the guy drive away from the tube? Why does he sit there and let the kid keep pelting his car with stuff? Where is the kid's mother? Or anyone in the bank? And IIRC, it's a car insurance commercial. Why would the customer's car insurance have to pay that? I'd be willing to be the bank would be on the hook for the damages. Stupid ad execs.... :wallbash:
  22. Those stupid Nationwide TV commercials where some jackass stands there and watches their friend or coworker's car get destroyed in the most improbable of circumstances and don't even tell them that their new car is being wrecked. Not to mention the whole idea behind the commercial - that the insured's car insurance would have to pay for the damage to their vehicle caused by a stranger dropping a TV on the car roof from three stories up...
  23. Good question. Course we can't forget Poppy's place, the Soup Nazi's place, the restaurant where Jerry takes Man-Hands, the club where Jerry loses the Friar's jacket... I don't know how that guy hasn't started pimping some sort of herbal throat remedy by now. With all the yelling he does it's a perfect fit.
  24. Did all their eating in Monk's coffee shop, the Chinese restaurant yada yada yada...
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