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Everything posted by Bmwolf21

  1. Not even close, IMO. I hate Philly fans because they are obnoxious douchebags. I've never met a Philly fan I liked. I can respect any fanbase's passion, but they act like general jackasses who have an inferiority complex because of their big-market rivals to the northeast. I might be way off, but that's the impression I get. FWIW, I'm glad to see Chollie Manual lead the Phillies to the title -- he seemed like a very good guy when he was here in Cleveland.
  2. Damn coworkers who do a half-assed job and screw things up for others, so we have to go back and figure out WTF they are doing and fix their mistakes. :wallbash:
  3. Amen. I'm really getting pissed off with these news sites' abuse of the video option. I hate when websites -- usually news ones -- don't indicate that a link is to a video version of a story and not an article. I also hate when you have to sit through 2-3 15-20 second commercials to see the one 30-second clip you wanted. I think ABCNews.com is real bad with this. That's all you had to say.
  4. Never a good thing when Philly "fans" get to celebrate.
  5. I'd say sometime during the parade.
  6. The freaking Phillies won the WS.
  7. Our metro leadership staff, in their infinite wisdom, changed our scheduled training at the last minute. It was supposed to be senior staff only, which would have excluded me - but they decided they wanted everyone in my department to go. So I had to go into downtown Cleveland for training from 10-4, then back to my my branch to cover my evening shift (which is where I am now) for an 11-hour day. Considering I have had all of 5 days off since Labor Day, I am absolutely hitting the wall right now, and if I didn't have the benefit of watching a few lovely ladies work out tonight, I might snap in a scary way.
  8. His booth mates should have unplugged his mic for the rest of the game as a punishment. Or made him walk back to the hotel wearing a Yankees jersey and hat. Seriously, WTF?
  9. Here's a good one: the Red $ox just hit a 3-HR to cut the lead to 7-4 in the seventh inning. The douchebag announcer just said "Do you believe in Miracles, Al Michaels once said. The Red Sox believe tonight." Ummm....really? REALLY? ARE YOU SERIOUS? You just drew a comparison between the biggest upset in international hockey history to the team with the 4th-highest MLB payroll cutting into a lead while down 3 games to 1 in the ALCS? Someone should get into that press box and crosscheck the PbP guy's teeth out.
  10. Back to a non-political complaint...I hate software and computer applications that "steal focus" from what you're doing. Nothing runs in the background anymore...and the biggest offenders are usually Micro$oft products.
  11. Got that DVD in the mail a couple weeks ago and it went straight in the trash.
  12. I have one that is already filled with stuff I'm never going to get around to watching (at least not anytime soon) but here's the kicker - the game will be on in the background where I work, so I won't be able to completely avoid the game and I'm going to get home in the middle of it (probably around halftime or partway through the third quarter) and I won't want to start over.
  13. I'm ticked that I only get to see a handful of Florida State football games each season, and tonight they're on and I'll miss most of the game due to work. :wallbash:
  14. Try working at a dealership. A few years back, when I was between jobs in Orlando I worked at a Toyota dealership for about 3 months. Biggest bunch of a-holes and swinging Richards I'd ever had the displeasure of working with.
  15. At least we now know Blue's true identity.
  16. LINK 12:00 AM, 27-JUNE-08 Cloverfield Sequel On Hold Matt Reeves, who directed the monster thriller Cloverfield, told SCI FI Wire that plans for a sequel film have been put on hold until the filmmakers can come up with an idea as interesting as the original. "The thing that we sort of promised ourselves is we only wanted to do another one if we could come up with something that felt as fresh to us to make as that one did," Reeves said in an interview at the Saturn Awards in Universal City, Calif., on June 24, where he received the Filmmaker's Showcase Award. Reeves added: "We're still kind of toying with what it's going to be and whether or not we're going to find something that will be as exciting for us to make and, hopefully, for an audience to watch. So we'll see. It's really in the baby, baby stages. And right now it's definitely on hold until we come up with what that would be." Press reports have suggested that some of the ideas for the next film include a prequel that would go into the backstory of the creature that attacks New York in the original or a parallel story set on the same night with different characters. Reeves said that both of those ideas have been under discussion.
  17. I can honestly say that I have never watched a full episode of 60 Minutes and never have the show tuned in unless I fall asleep on the couch after football. On a side note - I'm ticked that I am awake this early after getting home after 11 last night. Now that the wife and little guy are on the road I think I am going to head back to bed for a little bit.
  18. "60 Minutes," or more specifically, CBS' insistence on wedging this show into their Sunday night post-NFL TV schedule no matter what, which constantly screws up the rest of the primetime lineup. For the last two years I have set my DVR to record series that air on Sunday night after NFL football ended - Family Guy on Fox, and on CBS it was Shark (last year) and The Unit (moved to Sunday Nights this year.) Over the last two years, every time CBS has two games and still shows 60 Minutes, the CBS DVR recording gets screwed up. Every damn time. Really sucks dialing up your DVR recording and realizing that not only didn't your show start on time, it started 30+ minutes late, so you'll miss a significant portion of the show, especially the end. In that same two-year span, when Fox has two games? No problems. Once in two years has a recording of Family Guy been screwed up, and I think that was due to an overtime game. Now I have to set my Sunday night CBS DVR recordings to run an extra 45 minutes to an hour to make sure I catch what I want. I forgot about it this week, and had to watch most of The Unit on CBS' InnerTube site.
  19. I'm also going to try to get this thread back on track - I am really starting to rediscover my hatred for other drivers. I'm sick and tired of being stuck in a line of traffic behind an elderly driver who can't drive past 30 MPH. I'm tired of missing traffic lights because people are riding their brakes all the way down the road. I'm tired of watching people not pay attention at traffic lights, sitting there :censored: ing around with something in the passenger seat, doing their hair, eating - all the while we're sitting at a green light. :death:
  20. Maybe, maybe not. The economy sucks everytwhere, but I'd bet that the usual suspects, like the Great Lakes areas that have struggled a lot over the last few decades, are in worse shape than others because they are starting with already bad local economies and adding in a bad national economy. We could have stayed in Florida, where we both were working but might not have had a place to live, thanks to the housing bubble. We were smart enough to realize that something was wrong with the housing market, and didn't try to buy into the housing bubble and get a mortgage for a $500K house like a lot of other people. But the housing bubble got everyone overconfident and cocky, so even apartment properties were converting from rental properties to condos. Ours was no different, so we were offered the choice of buying our 800 sq. foot apartment for $130K or finding a new place to rent. So we had jobs down there but no place to live, whereas here we have places to live but jobs are scarce. The job we moved up here for - my wife's new position - was eliminated when the company lost their contract with the Cleveland Clinic. She was laid off two weeks after my son was born. She found work a few months later, but it's been that kind of repeated kick in the teeth that has killed us.
  21. That sounds familiar. A big reason why I drive 45 minutes each way to cover a high school soccer game that no one outside their tiny communities cares about. Like I said above - outside of the birth of our son, the move back up North, to this area - has been just short of an unmitigated disaster.
  22. Facing the same thing. I have the education and some decent experience, but given the state of the economy I know there are people with a lot more experience applying for these same entry/mid-level positions I'm going for. I can't pad my resume with some of these entry-level/mid-level jobs because I can't get my foot in the door. I'm working part-time for the local YMCA association and also writing for the Cleveland Plain Dealer (covering HS sports 1-2 times/week) so at least I'm not completely unemployed, but it still doesn't do much for my mental state right now. Oh, just saw a commercial that the Ohio unemployment rate is the highest in 16 years. That helps a lot. :(
  23. At least you are getting interviews and rejections. I'm considered "underemployed" because the economy in Cleveland absolutely sucks. There aren't a lot of good jobs available, and when a position opens up they are usually bombarded with resumes and applications. The one position I checked on last week got 500 resumes in about a week's time. Anyway, interviews have been few and far between, and rejection letters -- even generic form letters/emails -- have been almost as rare. I just don't see any way we'll be able to stay in this area much longer, which is a shame, because we like it here and it's close to home. :(
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