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Everything posted by Bmwolf21

  1. Amen to that, millbank.
  2. I feel your pain. We visited my parents in Niagara Falls for most of Christmas week, and of course my father was sick with a head cold/upper respiratory infection. He was nice enough to pass that on to me - and of course I feel fine until I get home. The last 2-3 days I have felt like crap.
  3. Our Christmas party budget was all but eliminated, so we're having a BYO everything at a local restaurant tomorrow night. Oh, and they just told us tonight. Thanks for nothing.
  4. :thumbsup: (And while I lay most of the fault at Jauron's feet for calling that ridiculous play, Peters absolutely did whiff on that one and Losman did cough the ball up instead of throwing it away.) This Bills season continues to get stranger and stranger. Peters holds out and the team starts out 4-0; word leaks of a contract extension for Jauron, an extension which is never confirmed; the team goes in the tank after talk of the extension leaks; the team drops to 6-8, now there is talk that Jauron may be back next year; and Peters, who has played OK for most of the year is named to the Pro Bowl.
  5. I have a complaint. We haven't seen enough of millbank lately. Welcome back. :thumbsup:
  6. I'm complaining that life in general sucks right now, and it sucks so bad that I don't have any specific complaints.
  7. But they're only 0-1. :rolleyes:
  8. I didn't see one, no - but that's probably because the closest Tim Horton's is two hours away in Columbus. ;)
  9. I got cut off tonight by a guy driving one of those late 80's/early 90's Chevy Cavaliers...this thing barely made it up the hill, sounded awful - and had a GPS mounted on the dash. The GPS was probably worth more than the vehicle. Not really a complaint, but more of an intersting observation. But I am pissed he cut me off.
  10. You should duck too. Get ready for a lecture about how often you change your oil and sludge.
  11. The "Artificial Intelligence" in video games. WTF? I'm playing NCAA Football on my PS2 and beating the computer pretty badly - 55-14 with less than two minutes to play, and the computer is still calling timeouts and trying to recover onsides kicks. The games are long enough as it is, no need for the computer to drag it out with unnecessary timeouts and delays....
  12. You might want to duck, EiI is going to come in and start the anti-Toyota crusade.
  13. Agreed. :( I might have brought this up before, but I saw another one the other day - a beat-up old Ford pickup truck had a bumper sticker that had a picture of the flag and the words "Please Don't Put My Flag on a Foreign Car." :wallbash: I can only assume that the driver was referring to Hondas and Toyotas, but since both companies employ a ton of American workers and have assembly plants in the US, it seems a little stupid to make that comment....
  14. Here's a complaint -- not only did the NFL games suck today, but the halftime shows? Jesse McCartney and the Jonas Brothers? Seriously? Is the NFL trying to branch out into that 9-to-15-year-old screaming 'tween girls demographic? I mean seriously - were there any NFL fans - hardcore or casual - that saw the halftime lineup and said "ooh, good - they got the Jonas Brothers."
  15. I concur.
  16. Amen, brother. A-freaking-men. Hannity is a confirmed douchebag. I remember catching about three minutes of his radio show after the '04 elections and of course he was very gracious about GWB's reelection. I wanted to drive to his radio station and give him a beat down. Accessing Verizon's voicemail also sucks - I had a couple old VM's that I had saved, and once they get to the 21-day limit, they play first, no matter how many new messages you get. I know I have to go through and clear out the VM, but damn. Maybe you could describe the avatar in question. No names, you know? ;)
  17. I really expected (and even predicted) a booming complaint thread today. I think that as a fanbase we've moved past frustration and bitching to depression and apathy.
  18. Multiple compaints in this one, but they're all tied together: Complaint 1: We're not even into winter yet and the snow and ice is already hitting the ground. Complaint 2: Because of the economy and rising prices, all we keep hearing is how expensive rock salt is and how all the local towns and cities are cutting back on salting and plowing, and it's already showing what a bad idea that is. It's a really great idea in an area with a lot of hills. Complaint 3: I bought my pickup in Florida and it was fine for the Sunshine State, but having a rear-wheel 2WD vehicle in a snowy area really sucks. I have to load up the bed with sandbags and piss away even more of the crappy gas mileage in order to navigate the slippery hills around here.
  19. :lol: I concede the point on this one, shrader. But Brickley is still a bag of douche. ;)
  20. Yeah, I hear ya. Most of our staff is technically considered part-time, but some of us are there 6-7 days a week and hover right around the 38-39 hour mark. But there are a couple people who only work one or two days a week for 4-5 hours a shift and are completely miserable the entire time - everything is a hassle, every policy is stupid and everyone is out to get them. Since it's part-time work, is it really worth the $40 a week you'll make for that time, considering how apparently awful the job and everyone who works there is?
  21. I'm tired of dealing with jackass part-timers at work who do nothing but be miserable all the time and try to pull people down to their level of misery. If you hate it here so much, just frigging quit, stay home and be miserable there.
  22. Video game bugs. I'm not even getting into next-gen hardware issues (still have a PS2, no $$ to buy a new system) but I am tired of EA rushing games onto the market with known bugs that they refuse to or can't fix. I'm playing a dynasty in NCAA Football '08 and I have players leaving my program because they claim I broke my promise to them - ridiculous promises that the computer-aided recruiting made in-season - like promising a 6' 2" 160 cornerback that he can play center, or promising a three-star recruit that he can start in his freshman year over an All-American. Not to mention that I get 5 years into it, have won 50+ straight games, and watched my team drop from 1 to 2 to 4 over the middle portion of the season, despite not losing a game and not squeaking out any wins - I was still blowing teams out. Oh, and today I played a #1 versus #2 November game that had no television coverage.
  23. I don't discriminate, they all suck. I am more tolerant of people who don't know, because if someone explains the difference, they might stop replying to all. But just looking at the UI for Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail, the default option is reply to sender and to get to "Reply to All" you have to click on a drop-down menu, so it leads me to believe that most people think that everyone needs to read their reply.
  24. My first complaint: jackasses who abuse the "reply to all" option on email. A friend of mine from Orlando sent a mass email over the weekend announcing the birth of his first child. So I naturally emailed him back to congratulate him. Some of his other friends did as well, but they chose to share their warm wishes with EVERYONE who got the original email. :wallbash:
  25. I feel your pain. No one has had the balls to do it with me sitting in the driver's seat, but as soon as we leave it appears to be open season on our vehicles. There are so many white dings and scratches on both on the back doors on my wife's black Honda CRV that it looks like we parked the car in front of Tiger Wood's tee at the driving range, and my Dodge Dakota has two good-size gouges from other doors. F :censored: ing azzholes. Who doesn't keep a cinder block and chain for just such an occasion?
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