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Everything posted by Bmwolf21

  1. I had an ambulance chaser with me and we were trying to set up a lawsuit against a "reckless" driver.
  2. I'm gonna dip back into last week's complaints and throw an AMEN at shrader's post. I work in a YMCA and am the guy who closes the facility most nights, and last night (like many others) I had to go on a search and rescue operation to find the missing dumbbells and return them to the rack. They were on the other side of the weight room by the other mirror and cable machine, and even near the cardio section. On point 2 - I got into work yesterday and my boss told me how he was at Friendly's the night before, and he heard a 3-year-old call his brother a f***er - to which his mother simply shook her head and called them both savages. Awesome parenting skills.
  3. I just bought a new digital camera today, and did the same thing, Blue. I was looking at a couple Sonys but as soon as I found out about the memory stick and cost, I scratched them off the list. My first digital camera was a Fuji that took those tiny xD cards but eventually other companies started making the xD format and the prices came down. I just bought a Canon point & shoot today. Good reviews, so far some good pics. A lot better than my Nikon Coolpix s210. Awful photos.
  4. What he said.
  5. I work in a gym and people - both members and coworkers - do the same thing to me while I'm on a treadmill or elliptical. Frustrating as hell.
  6. Call this 75-year-old Cleveland woman -- she'll take care of your deer problem, and even dispose of the body.
  7. Nothing really juicy, just surprised to see how many people came in high as a kite and how the management didn't care, as long as they were closing deals and moving vehicles. It was also interesting to see how management would find a reason to "fire" some of the better salesmen for a few days at the end of each month as they approached their big bonuses, and then called them back to work a few days after they missed their goals.
  8. Yep. I had the misfortune of working at a dealership for three months (in sales) and was so disgusted that I quit without anything else solidly lined up. I figured I'd rather go flip burgers than hate myself, my job and my coworkers and feel slimy all the time.
  9. Guys who let their GF/significant other wear skimpy, revealing or otherwise provocative outfits in public and then proceed to glare and puff out their chest at every other guy who checks out said scantily clad "lady." Considering I kept replying to his garbage, I have to agree. Sometimes it takes me a little longer to pick up on things.... Amen.
  10. Thanks for the response.
  11. Mind if I ask why?
  12. A little Facebook complaint - people on your friend list who post inappropriate things on your wall, in their status updates, or other people's walls, and then it shows up in your feed.
  13. :thumbsup:
  14. 1. Posters who read the original post and hit reply, without reading the rest of the thread to see if they are simply repeating what's already been posted or to see if there is any additional info posted throughout the thread. 2. Disclaimer - this is not intended to be disrespectful of anyone who has had breast cancer or has had someone in their family suffer from BC. That being said - I am so sick and tired of seeing and hearing commercials for the Breast Cancer 3-day Walk. They are on every station and seem to run in every commercial break, they seem to on nearly every radio station, and here in Cleveland they started the media blitz back in October/November for an event that was eight-nine months away. It's massive overkill, IMO.
  15. I don't mind larger orders in front of me if a) there are multiple self-checkout lines, so I can choose another line, and/or b) the people know WTF they are doing. It's when I go into Giant Eagle and watch these elderly people holding up the line because they are fumbling with the self-checkout process or they have a whole cart full of produce that I want to smack them in the head. Plus going to the staffed registers you have a much better chance of having some there to bag for you. At least that's how it is in our stores.
  16. To piggyback on that - idiots who take carts that are heaping full into the self-checkout lines. It should be an express lane sort of experience.
  17. Getting stuck in line behind the jackasses at Subway who are buying for the entire office. I swear the next time I see someone standing at the counter with a list in her hand and saying things like "and on THIS one..." I'm gonna lose it. Brought up by someone last week - people who drive diagonally through parking lots and don't follow the lanes. Indecisive people at the point of sale. I'll be back with more later.
  18. So you think that disdain for the WBC is limited to conservative Christians and not pretty much EVERYONE in the country who is not a member of that church?
  19. If you guys get STO you can catch the Tribe-Dbacks spring training game, which is on right now.
  20. Yeah it is. I'm hoping some of the mods do a little pruning of idiot tree real soon. It would be one thing if they were at least entertaining, but they're not even a little funny.
  21. Being sick. I'm afraid that this is more than a garden-variety cold, because I feel worse than I have in a long time.
  22. The Brain...there's a name I had hoped I would forget.
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