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Everything posted by Bmwolf21

  1. Low man on the totem pole at my job, so I got stuck working Christmas Eve. No biggie, closing early and all that, except one of our guests decided to wait until we were closing to call for her ride. Had to wait in an empty facility until her ride got there 20 minutes later.
  2. Congrats, and good luck.
  3. Been there, done that.
  4. If I had the time I would have, but I was on my way to a meeting.
  5. The Subway list complaint bite me in the ass again. Stop at Subway on Tuesday on my lunch break. Forgot it was $3.99 footlong day, so the line is long but moving at an acceptable pace. I'm in line for about 10 minutes until I get "on deck". Girl behind the counter asks the woman in front of me what kind of bread she wants and that fat cow says "I need six sandwiches." :censored: me. Turned around and walked out.
  6. I got nothin' this week. Had a great weekend - came in to WNY for Dad's birthday and the Bills-Phins game on Sunday, got to see a couple Sabres' W's - and the work week is going good so far.
  7. Been sick for the last few days and it sucks. Saw a girl at the mall today. She sat down in the entrance to the hallway leading to the restrooms, plugged her phone into the electrical outlet, and started calling everyone she knew to loudly complain that her ride wasn't there because "the bus dropped me off early." Classy. Posters who reply to posts with youtube videos. Douchebags who reply to posts (or sneak in posts) with links that connect to that frigging peter pan guy. I'm never going to catch shrader now. Probably because I keep multi-complaining in one post.
  8. My boss said "supposably" today. That word is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Same here.
  9. I finally got Vista Service Pack 1 installed - with about two months worth of tech support from M$ - and since then my system has been constantly updating. SP2, update for Vista, Live update, office update, .NET framework updates, everything. I don't even know what half these things are for, but M$' reminders are insistent and scary enough to make you think your system will instantly be hacked if you don't install these updates.
  10. Amen to that. Can't tell you how many times I've applied to jobs where the ad specifically said "no phone calls" and if you even try to follow up they get nasty or tell you that they received hundreds of applications. Good luck getting them to see if yours is in the pile or where they are in the process. On a side note, I wish there was a standard e-form for submitting applications and resumes electronically. Every time I find a job on a job board, I have to go to the company's web site and slog through a 20-30 minute process of inputting every job I've had, every reference, etc. Some companies require you to upload a resume and fill out an application and it takes forever - and some sites don't let you use PDF files. Why can't there be an easier way to do this? :wallbash:
  11. Revisiting one of my prior complaints...the people who go into Subway with a list of a half-dozen sandwiches needed for the entire office/family/gang of freaks on the corner. Got stuck behind one of these all-stars today and wanted to punch her in the back of the head. Four different subs, a subway pizza (seriously?) and of course her order got screwed up somewhere along the way, so we all had to wait while they figured it out.
  12. Diet & exercise are working to bring my weight down, but the blood pressure isn't budging one bit. Don't want to go on medication, but don't know if I have a choice at this point. Mom's got HBP as well, so it's in the family... Got a promotion at work this week. Normally this would not be in the complaint section, but to get it they had to fire a very good friend, the guy who brought me in, trained me and promoted me the first time. Best part was they waited until he came back from vacation, called him the night he got back from Cali, and said "you have a meeting tomorrow with the executive director, marketing director, and human resources VP tomorrow at 10 a.m." Three hours later they are offering me his position. Finally, something I really, really hate: anonymous posters who have nothing better to do with their time but spew negativity all over the Internet. (Not looking at you, PA. ;)) I'm talking about the random a-holes who post in the comments sections of news stories and are just arrogant, condescending jerks who rip the writer, the story, the subject, the media outlet, and even the other posters.
  13. :thumbsup:
  14. My boss is on vacation, and in his place I am trying to do both our jobs. Now I see why he is stressed out all the time. Not only is there immense pressure from the main office, but his co-senior staff and the staff under us are chock full of self-centered jerks, morons, and incompetent boobs. I've buried in an avalanche of paperwork, I have meetings interrupting the only productive time I can scrape together, and every time I start to make some headway, I get four more things thrown in my lap. I cannot wait until he gets back on Tuesday.
  15. Very true.
  16. The process sucks, and given how bad the economy is, there are literally 100s of applicants for most positions. It's brutal out there.
  17. Much appreciated. :thumbsup:
  18. Thanks, PA. I wish I had some great advice to share, but for me, it's been just increasing my activity and really watching what and how much I eat. With the economy being as bad as it has been I have been limited to working in a part-time capacity (nearly full-time hours) at a local YMCA, so my membership is free (one of the very few perks we get) and with my hours being varied I have a lot of chances to work out before or after my shifts. Most weeks I work out 5-6 times a week, for around an hour a day. Usually 30-40 minutes of cardio and 20-30 minutes of weight training. Weight Watchers has helped me a lot as well. So overall it is really just being super diligent about watching what I am eating and making my workout such a big part of my day that if I miss a day, I feel guilty and mad at myself for not finding the time. This is the third or fourth time that I have tried to get my weight under control and it's really the first time everything has clicked - the diet, the exercise, the time to work out, etc. I think the little guy has been a big motivator this time - I want to set a good example for him, and I want to be around when he's graduating high school, getting married, all that.
  19. Tweaked my lower back while working out yesterday. Just grabbed up in the middle of some lower back exercises. I think it was just a bad spasm and possibly a strain, but man, what discomfort and pain the rest of the day. Got a little better today with intermittent heat and Aleve, but of course it had to happen this week with a big weight loss milestone coming up. Hope this doesn't derail me too long.
  20. (Paraphrasing a little) All I know is the patch is spitting out 50-lb pumpkins and the farmers' teeth are the whitest I've ever seen.
  21. Awesome movie, awesome quote.
  22. Yep, the writing is definitely on the wall now. Time to polish the old résumé and start flooding the marketplace. Another poorly-thought-out new policy is being forced into place this week, with no training, guidance, set parameters, or systems in place. We're basically turning our staff (I work at a non-profit) into telemarketers and expecting each shift to make 35-70 outgoing calls per day. The benchmarks and goals for this ridiculous program include over 4,000 outbound calls per month, and trickling down through the progression of the formulas, the new expectation is that based on the call volume and their metrics - we should be bringing in more new units every month than we have in any of best months over each of the last two years. The downside is, well I'm in Ohio, and the job market ain't exactly booming right now.
  23. Exactly. If you set your privacy settings right, you can control who sees what you post, who posts on your wall, etc. - and if you use some common sense, you don't have to worry about "who is going to read this?"
  24. No HD here, so that doesn't make a difference to me.
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