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Everything posted by Bmwolf21

  1. I love working on the days when everyone else (read: upper management) is on vacation. No one bothers me and I actually get work done without being interrupted every 20 minutes.
  2. You guys can have her. Not gonna fight you for her.
  3. You old sailor you! Where is she? Is she still in the house?
  4. Insanity.
  5. Not worth it in the grand scheme, and most of us have it pretty well compared to a lot of people. But all that being said, day-to-day life is full of irritants, morons, and other miscellaneous stupidity that tends to spike the blood-pressure. I like to think of Complaint Thursdays as a good release valve which keeps us from snapping and going all "Falling Down" somewhere in our daily journeys.
  6. So....girlfriend is standing behind you, watching what you post in this thread?
  7. From what I've seen she has a Steven Seagal-esque range of facial expressions. It's the same look in every damn photo, video, and image. That site looks like a lot of "spoiled little rich brats whining about how my life sucks because I didn't get a car for my birthday so FML and eff my parents".
  8. She's an upgrade over last year's Hyundai commercials - the ones with that weird chick singing.
  9. I know they would. The commercials are pretty accurate with the level of douchebaggery portrayed. I don't mind the Hyundai girl. She's kinda hot. Or cute.
  10. I'll say it:
  11. How about these freaking Lexus commercials? Not bad enough that they are based around a jackass SURPRISING someone with a luxury automobile as a Christmas gift, but these tools rig up the elevator music, create a music box and get the Lexus theme into Guitar Hero? I watch these commercials and want to punch the gift giver and recipient in the face.
  12. This +1000000000. My complaints: work, or specifically the upper management who seem to have no clue WTF they are doing. Unrealistic goals, shady tactics, and lack of respect for anyone. Websites that go with flat rate shipping/handling based on your order amount. So that $9.98 undershirt costs another 9.99 to ship? Come on.
  13. You are. Man face you, he is enemy. Enemy deserves no mercy.
  14. I used to live on Semoran, a few miles down the road from the airport. My best guess (its been a few years since I lived in Orlando) is try the Miller's Ale House locations. We used to go there for Bills games. Good food (just make sure you order the wings unbreaded or "naked" unless you like KFC-style chicken wings.) http://www.millersalehouse.com/
  15. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
  16. There are some around here....
  17. "The tradition of Festivus begins with the Airing of Grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now, you're gonna hear about it." :o
  18. I was walking out of the mall earlier in the week and held the door for a middle-aged lady who stopped halfway through, turned around and actually said "thank you" and then followed up with a sincere "Merry Christmas". I was stunned - the only people I hear it from are family/friends/coworkers. (I've also heard it from select retailers/salespeople, but not as much as I would like.)
  19. Probably true. But that move would probably be the final nail in the coffin and would kill any hope of any free agent ever signing here again.
  20. I don't see it as a possibility, unless you want to a) hope you can sign a veteran FA who still has something in the tank while a youngster learns behind him; b) take someone high enough in the draft and throw him to the wolves; or c) go into next year with Tyler Thigpen as your starter. As for Fitz - if you void his deal, I don't see him renegotiating to come back for less money; and voiding the deal six months after signing him to it (unless it was an injury-related move) would send yet another bad message to the rest of the league - i.e., don't come to Buffalo, they have no freaking clue what they are doing.
  21. If Luck was available, I would take him. I'm not sure that I see Barkley or Griffin as franchise guys, though.
  22. I didn't really go back through his list past 2003-ish, but in fairness he did say "their first selection" and not their first-round pick. But in any case, the first-rounders on that list are pretty embarrassing.
  23. Sorry, wasn't trying to be a jerk or a dick. I just pointed out that Poz was not a first pick in the draft in any manner, and that you mixed up a couple years. The thing with Poz bothered me because I've had arguments with Bills fans (about the time he left for Jax) that he was a wasted 1st-round pick, and it bothers me when people work off misinformation. Cowart was solid until his Achilles blew (thanks, Tampa Bay). So were Clements and Winfield, but neither deserved the big money they got elsewhere (if we kept one I was partial to Winfield - man, can that little guy hit). Dareus is a good pick. Mike Williams was a disappointment. All the size and tools, no heart. McGahee and Spiller were luxury picks for a team that had huge needs elsewhere. Erik Flowers was a straight bust. Maybin was approaching that as well, until the Jets just lined him up and told him to rush the passer, nothing else. You're right - a lot of disappointment in that list.
  24. Your list is off, at least for recent years: Pos wasn't a 1st round pick, and Lynch wasn't drafted in 2008. They were both drafted in 2007, when Lynch went in the 1st round and Pos went in the second. 2009 Maybin was the 1st round pick, not McKelvin. McKelvin was their 1st in 2008. http://www.nfl.com/d...=0610&type=team
  25. Never is a pretty big word, and I would guess that the majority of guys who don't come 100% back have ligament issues - ACLs, MCLs, etc - or compound fractures, not just a broken bone. If you want to argue that he's going to be on the wrong side of 30, that's fine, but I don't see the injury being that big of a problem.
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