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Andrew Amerk

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Everything posted by Andrew Amerk

  1. That’s sad. The right condiments can REALLY elevate a sandwich, and they usually ain’t the cheap ones. Pepperidge Farms remembers.
  2. Maybe he just “lost his love for the game” yet again.
  3. That was a freakin LASER
  4. Holy fudge Can’t wait to tell my employer that I was late for work because I stayed up to watch a puck go off the boards and bounce through the legs of a goalie. They already bought the excuse of staying up to watch a rigged NFL game, but that’s only because everyone watched that. Pretty sure I’m the only one up watching this disaster.
  5. According to the Kings broadcast, the Sabres have been the better team all game. 😂😂
  6. What veteran leadership? Okposo and nobody else?
  7. Someone needs to hold their butts to some flames.
  8. Is that a suggestion for the Kings PP?
  9. “He Kempe stopped!” -Kings broadcast call
  10. This dude is grown and is really being asked to be called “Mikey?” (I’m setting someone up here)
  11. The problem is that it isn’t a penalty until they want it to be one.
  12. That solidifies it for me that the NFL does their best to rig the outcomes.
  13. That is the difference between the Sabres and the Bruins. They have more of a winning mentality than Buffalo does. I have no problem with the development mentality, but when you spend what, 11 years developing Ullmark and let him slide to one of your biggest rivals over a half million dollars, then I have to read everyone on here complain about goaltending over and over and over again, what really is the process here? The Bruins can make Paille useful, and what do the Sabres get? Bjork? Make a move that helps the team now, like they will, and figure it out later.
  14. Yes. Agreed. I would stick with your original decision on the jersey. It is a part of your history with the team. Personally, I love seeing other fans with less common jerseys. Part of me sulks when I go to Bills games in my Allen jersey, and I see 40,000 other people wearing one too, and makes me wish I was wearing a Smerlas or Morse instead.
  15. I’m not sure what a “helicopter parent” is, but maybe I am one due to the abusive things my daughters mother has done to her.
  16. What is a Rocesterian? That was Earl of Bud in Buffalo. RIP Pincie, he was a fun school bus driver when I was a kid.
  17. The Sabres need more hood types in the lineup.
  18. That’s because having everything hockey, all in one place, for one fee, would be WAYYYYYY too complicated.
  19. It doesn’t sound like you recall it vividly. I believe.
  20. What becomes available more often? A defenseman worth 4mil, or a forward worth 10mil?
  21. Have you ever eaten 110% of a pizza that you ordered?
  22. The bolded is likely correct. I also don’t understand the opinions adverse to the situation. You are getting a proven asset with room to grow for 3 unproven assets. It’s highly unlikely you are giving up 3 Timo Meiers for 1 Timo Meier.
  23. In the 33-34 season, the Turdburger is an alternate throwback jersey and somehow all the rage.
  24. I do. It’s like watching a movie for 3 hours that has no ending.
  25. Because a game ending in a tie is boring, that’s why. Why waste 3 hours invested in an entertainment event, and not get that high of a win or that low of a loss? If a tie ending is okay, then there was no point of watching at all.
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