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Andrew Amerk

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Everything posted by Andrew Amerk

  1. What did you just say?
  2. Jack is probably fine and just wants out.
  3. I’ve heard that veal is baby cows. Shame on you.
  4. I seriously wonder if the PR dept deploys people on here sometimes. Whatever happened to that chick who was defending KimP left and right?
  5. Hockey isn’t that simple. You can try to ice a puck that takes an odd bounce and goes in.
  6. Even if he played a few years at forward, I’m sure it doesn’t completely decimate his stats where he is among all time scoring D.
  7. Yeah, because the Eichel drama isn’t enough.
  8. Incorrect. Hoss quoted two posts, one which had to do with me. Which is what I was responding to. Who is Evandro Kane?
  9. Incorrect. At the time, I never lobbed anything back online. I kept everything in court.
  10. You were obsessed with Max Headroom.
  11. They are both the same thing. She lobbed an accusation into the public court. 🤷‍♂️
  12. I’ll be excited to attend Amerks games this season. Will NOT be paying to watch the Sabres.
  13. Nope. They’re both the same.
  14. I agree with both of you that Dahlin and Joki should be split, assuming the team has 2 defensively responsible partners for both of them (which I’m not sure is the case at the moment).
  15. Show me those stats, and I’ll be able to answer. To my knowledge, he barely ever played forward in his long career.
  16. Housley is 4th all time in points by a D. I don’t think his nationality matters in that regard.
  17. Tyson and TLC were both broke at the height of their primes. It’s inconceivable to us “normal” folk how other people can blow such large amounts of millions, but apparently, it’s possible. There is an ESPN 30 for 30 episode detailing how young NFL players blew their money, and it’s pretty interesting.
  18. This helps explain why a lot of Sabres fans can’t see or appreciate Dahlin for what he is.
  19. Probably another reason for her anger. She married a millionaire who is now supposedly broke. That was her choice.
  20. The Canes are a contender, the Sabres are not.
  21. You both could be correct. Still, there’s no facts present. What I saw, was Kane tell his ex privately that he needed the keys to his house and car, which she made public and ranted about. The next post was her mad that he was going to Europe. The next two posts, shes suddenly accusing him of illegally betting on his own games? The order of operations there suggests anger and spite, not necessarily facts. Not saying it’s not true, but that it is sus. I have known quite a few people that were bad, or jerks, or aholes, liars, or morally incompetent, but it didn’t mean they were criminals.
  22. And, once again, all this is, is an accusation. There’s no proof or facts, just an allegation lobbed into the court of public opinion. The court of public opinion tends to find guilt just because someone says something on the internet.
  23. I’ve dated women like this. You can’t always take their word as gospel, especially when they feel compelled to share their issues (whether imagined or real) with an internet full of strangers.
  24. I would have to believe any goalie who shakes loose would rather have a shot at NHL playing time even on a bad team, than being stuck in the minors or stapled to a press box.
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