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Andrew Amerk

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Everything posted by Andrew Amerk

  2. I’ll swing for the optimistic opposite - Ullmark comes out with an elevated level of play, due to being in competition with / mentored by an actual talented netminder.
  3. This is just all opinion, but BCA is suffering from similar afflictions as KBC. The in-game experience isn’t the lively adventure that it was in the 90s. My family was season ticket holders to Amerks games when I was growing up. It was always lively in there, there was always giveaways and promotions. It was always fun, and the team was generally competitive. I’d go more often today if tix for lowers weren’t...what...$26 each? That’s $78 for a family of 3, for one night out. Not counting everyone wanting food and drinks. When there’s no giveaways, promotions, and a dead atmosphere...not an ideal way to spend that money. Just to see an AHL team that hasn’t traditionally performed well since the 90’s. Not sure how profits are divided, but lesser ticket prices generally lead to people spending more on concessions and merchandise, having a better experience, and wanting to go to more games. Which, I’d assume, improve the attendance and atmosphere. The players are making the same salaries whether there’s 900 or 9,000 in attendance. The Pegulas have shown a lack of creativity and innovation when it comes to these game experiences. You can have a crappy team and still give fans a great experience with a little thought, care, and ingenuity.
  4. Why no NHL games on a Friday night? Is it Emrichs bday or something?
  5. SS recently: “37 needs to be in Rochacha!” SS today: “loving Mitts on that 2nd line!” SS might as well stand for ‘see-saw’ for this season.
  6. I blame HCPH sitting Elie and starting Larry.
  7. I believe melatonin only helps people to fall asleep, not stay asleep. The doc gave me a muscle relaxer to try and help me sleep, which it did, but then I’d be sluggish for the first few hours in the morning. Using night shift on my phone has helped. It eliminates the blue light our phones emit. The blue light makes our brains think it’s still daylight, which in turn tells the body not to produce the natural melatonin that helps us fall asleep.
  8. I feel like this movie would also have a way-too-long slow dancing scene it in as well.
  9. I used to run a bar/music venue...the standard license was all-encompassing for beer, wine and liquor. When they lost their liquor license, we couldn’t sell anything with alcohol. Maybe rules are different for a venue of their capacity? Last I knew, the beer and wine licenses were for extremely small places and for off-site type of events.
  10. Again, this article states they don’t have a liquor license, but earlier in this thread you said that you bought a Genny. Color me confused.
  11. Wait a minute. They don’t have a liquor license???
  12. It’s only a huge leg because of his pads.
  13. Possibly the greatest Henrik to ever play the game.
  14. I can appreciate the optimism, but they were complete garbage in the first game, outside of Hutton.
  15. The scoreboard the last two games says otherwise. What makes you think Buffalo was outplayed today?
  16. Enroth! where is he these days?
  17. What is this persons name???
  18. I agree with having Sobotka over Pommers, although I think HCPH probably thinks differently. Doubt Sobotka is in the press box. My guess...Elie is out when Sobotka comes back. New face, tough break.
  19. I’m not talking about the celebrations after the buzzer. I’m talking about how he was acting in the final two minutes, there was a stoppage or two and it seemed like he may have been grumbling.
  20. I’m thinking he just bought himself more time with back to back wins - assuming there was some sort of cloud over him after the first game to begin with.
  21. At the end of the game, I couldn’t tell if Eichel was acting frustrated that he couldn’t get the hatter, or if he was playfully enjoying the moment. Really hard to read. If he was mad about not getting the Jack-Trick, not quite leadership skills there. Should’ve been happy to lead the team to a win. Was anyone else watching his reactions at the end?
  22. Sorry. My jokingly placed Globetrotters comment derailed the thread.
  23. If Sobotka comes back Thursday, I doubt Housley sits Pommers after he just got a goal. I also doubt Tage is getting sent down anytime soon...just a hunch.
  24. Couldn’t hurt, since only the 1st and 4th lines seem to be the ones clicking.
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