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Andrew Amerk

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Everything posted by Andrew Amerk

  1. Saw this earlier. Absolutely great.
  2. I still think JBOTTS should be calling STL and saying “you owe me” and working out a deal for Tarasenko.
  3. People are screaming for a callup from the Amerks, but there really isn’t anyone on the current roster who is NHL-ready. Maybe Nylander will play better in the NHL than he does in the AHL, which in a different lifetime, seemed to me to be how Pomminstein was.
  4. At this point, they need to try anything that can get some scoring outside of the top line and the D.
  5. Didn’t realize Paul Byron is now an alternate captain for MTL this season. Good for him.
  6. Are you religious?
  7. You know you bought one of his “Sabres jail” hoodies. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.yahoo.com/amphtml/sports/news/ville-leino-depicts-third-season-sabres-jail-clothing-design-185834130.html
  8. I’ve been thinking about it, and what we have been told just doesn’t add up. I’m not buying what seems to just be a theory that he was unhappy with being in Buffalo and/or his role with the team and suddenly tossing away all that guaranteed money. I’m not buying that he misses being on a team near the bottom of the standings, and hated being on a team near the top of the standings. It’s just my feeling, but there is something more going on with either him personally and/or his family. A professional hockey player giving up all that money and term on a contending team on just a whim? I don’t think so. It was/is something more important to him than money and the game. The Sabres, for their part, seemed to have helped keep whatever is going on private, and both parties thus far seem to be working swiftly to accommodate each other.
  9. I’m getting a feeling that Berglund has something very personal going on that prompted all of this.
  10. If anyone has even been posting anything from “around the NHL,” I’ve missed it because of the playoff format banter.
  11. This writer has decided to roll with “mutual.” https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/berglund-placed-unconditional-waivers
  12. No goodbye video with highlights and thanking him for all of his service? Not a good look.
  13. There is at least one player name every season that part of the board struggles to spell correctly. I’ve seen quite a few “Dhalin’s” floating around recently. Player name misspellings always make me miss Morrrrisssssonnnnn.
  14. Vontae Davis?
  15. Will Tarasenko count once he gets added?
  16. I know a guy that knows a guy, and I was told that he couldn’t stand the amount of Mighty Taco locations in Buffalo. That was a major factor in his disappearance.
  17. Doesn’t Skinner lead the team with 3 OT goals?
  18. Wonder if we will ever know.
  19. Shouldn’t you know him personally?
  20. He had an assist on the Amerks only goal in their trainwreck of a game on Wednesday. Other than that, he wasn’t noticeable - which could be good or bad.
  21. I predict at some point, there is a turnover between Ovi and Dahlin, which leads to a goal for one of them.
  22. I’d love to see Panik paired with Morris Titanic.
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