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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. Yeah we are lucky most 60 + and sick already got the booster, just a matter of time for a new lockdown though 😞
  2. I will leave that to your imagination 😛
  3. Did they kiss ?
  4. No China did that , the rest of the world had partial lockdowns. 2 years ago in march entire world should have been shut down a month.
  5. There is , but means shutting down the world 14 days lol
  6. I think all the Russians would go anyway, Europeans I don't know but I can't see them wanting to miss out.
  7. Yeah I don't trust those figures, those boosted and vaccinated deaths usually had other health issues, people can be battling other things for years, but when they also get covid , its not the other thing that killed them its covid. Nice way to prop up statistics. Buddy of mine is an admin in a hospital, basically said main cause of death is always covid. Also gets more funding when reported as covid death.
  8. So I guess the NHL will cancel all the games until after Christmas break ? https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/nhl-covid-19-tracker-monitoring-outbreaks-across-league/
  9. Well the reports coming out of Africa say the effects are headache and muscles being sore. People in hospital are those with Delta.
  10. Meh seems like Omicron panic , to be honest we are two years into this thing and no politician raised the real issue in the western world so far. Just a failing healthcare system due to lack of government support. Edit: and I say Omicron panic because out of all the reports so far, this might not be more than a common cold by now.
  11. For those that picked number 3 - I picked number 2 lol
  12. I want zemgus to score the winning goal in the sc final.
  13. I can give him a run for that blue eyes trophy 😛
  14. you know what bothers me the most, been 2 weeks, give our goalie some Buffalo pads already ffs.
  15. yeah but this teams right now does not need his type, we need someone to lift this team up. But this team will come out and dominate 😛
  16. I don't know what that is, but I had 8 Cornet 9% beers, and few stella 😛
  17. Don't think anderson will be moved, I think he just agreed to a year in buffalo because it was close to home.
  18. I'm glad they got him , Its time to see if he can have a spot in the future or not.
  19. And you can put Pysyk as 4RW when needed too 😛
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