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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. Man you really don't want symptoms to be bad, Kevin de Bruyne (manchester city) still has issues from infection 2 months ago. Hasn't finished a full game since.
  2. Good luck mate, doubt I will stay up for it, but if I am I will for sure 🙂
  3. Yeah I think NHL is working on bringing taxi squads back, trading for Subban just became a stroke of luck.
  4. Don't doubt him 🙂
  5. Merry christmas everyone 🙂
  6. I wonder if the head coach will change one of his assistants.
  7. Yeah we are lucky most 60 + and sick already got the booster, just a matter of time for a new lockdown though 😞
  8. I will leave that to your imagination 😛
  9. Did they kiss ?
  10. No China did that , the rest of the world had partial lockdowns. 2 years ago in march entire world should have been shut down a month.
  11. There is , but means shutting down the world 14 days lol
  12. I think all the Russians would go anyway, Europeans I don't know but I can't see them wanting to miss out.
  13. Yeah I don't trust those figures, those boosted and vaccinated deaths usually had other health issues, people can be battling other things for years, but when they also get covid , its not the other thing that killed them its covid. Nice way to prop up statistics. Buddy of mine is an admin in a hospital, basically said main cause of death is always covid. Also gets more funding when reported as covid death.
  14. So I guess the NHL will cancel all the games until after Christmas break ? https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/nhl-covid-19-tracker-monitoring-outbreaks-across-league/
  15. Well the reports coming out of Africa say the effects are headache and muscles being sore. People in hospital are those with Delta.
  16. Meh seems like Omicron panic , to be honest we are two years into this thing and no politician raised the real issue in the western world so far. Just a failing healthcare system due to lack of government support. Edit: and I say Omicron panic because out of all the reports so far, this might not be more than a common cold by now.
  17. For those that picked number 3 - I picked number 2 lol
  18. I want zemgus to score the winning goal in the sc final.
  19. I can give him a run for that blue eyes trophy 😛
  20. you know what bothers me the most, been 2 weeks, give our goalie some Buffalo pads already ffs.
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