Have to agree with eleven on this, Trump really worked the media well. Even in Europe you could hear daily about all the very questionable tweets he send out. And the media kept falling for it.
Trump actually said this himself in the 80's this is how he would win, He was a Democrat back then and he literally said: If I want to run for president, I'd become a republican because they are the ones stupid enough to vote me in.
That being said the guy is not completely retarded, his speech was calm and just what the markets needed to rebound, If he had made any remark like he has the past year, the markets would have made a nose dive for sure. Before the speech European markets were down 3%, after they gained half of it back already.
I'm not really happy about him either, I think the secret service will have their hands full in protecting him. I think short term he will be bad for Europe and alienate us, he will have better relations with Russia and putin though. But in the long run it might not be bad to have Europe stand more on its own.