Clinton Campaign leader sending everyone home, but not calling a loss, that is just a bit sad.
Today I'd say that is good thing ;)
To be honest , she should have come out and made that speech herself.
I think the Clinton Campaign really got it all wrong, it was a slur campaign for much to long, she didn't offer another perspective for voters doubting between her and Trump.
You can add PA with 20 to , 97% counted and a 1% lead.
I'd even wait a day or two, see if Trump makes some more dumb remarks :D
two days ago you should have gotten gold :p
Just waiting on Aston Kutcher to pop up and say, America you got punked :p
The democrats really overplayed their hand with backing clinton so much, Sanders clearly was the popular guy to win, and most of his young voters probably didn't vote for Clinton.
Don't know if I should laugh or cry right now. He'll alienate USA from its allies more than Bush jr ever did.
Wouldn't be surprised if he blows up NATO either.
a longer video of the line brawl.
Kadri delivered a blind side head shot on Daniel Sedin, that is a suspension I think.