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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. those bluetooth head things are so confusing, you see people talking but don't know if they want something from your are talking to the phone at work. They should ***** ban those things.
  2. Only around for 1st period , buddy picking me up to see an AC/DC coverband, so might be a horrible night lol ?
  3. Rumours on other forums going around Scandella is dealing with vertigo, but no way that is day to day then.
  4. Yeah, but come playoff time I can see them filling that easy, would be nice option to able to expand to 25k or something.
  5. I wonder, could the sabres fill 25.000 - 30000 seats ? because doing a combo like that it would seem logical to try to get more seats for hockey games.
  6. I think they should try Samson at 2C again, can't be any worse than we have right now. Only thing is you set him up to fail because he doesn't have decent wingers.
  7. florida/columbus
  8. The seatle Kraken
  9. Well the growth will happen with Seatle I think, so 90 million is probably a good bet.
  10. Ah damn, this team deserved more than they did the last 4 games, seems the puck luck is going the other way a bit. They got some time of and can recuperate a bit, I want another 10 game winning streak ?
  11. Think i'll head of to bed, feeling a bit sick. hope I wake up to a victory ?
  12. His O-line in wyoming supposed to have sucked to ?
  13. I think both Risto and McCabe can go tonight.
  14. Isn't he sucking now ? ?
  15. What I was thinking to, deal like that should have been done ages ago.
  16. He is saving his goals for the playoffs.
  17. Ah damn, can expect a stinker now and then. We all knew it would be an up down season for us.
  18. I will be at work again tonight, hope to see them pull of a win.
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