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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. We really could use a winning streak right now.
  2. Yeah I mostly drink stella artois the most. https://www.hetanker.be/en/gouden-carolus-tripel one of my favourites from over here. Friday while playing darts I did 9 duvel , couldn't do more had to work in morning. http://www.duvel.com/en/the-beer/duvel very popular over here to. 8.5% though.
  3. Estrella is not a bad beer, one of the few besides stella artois I actually like.
  4. Ah didn' t know that, might be interesting with his long reach to try him out there.
  5. Tage sometimes is reall good at breaking up an attack, when he plays well he is good on defense.
  6. Larsson and Erod were great. I think tage deserved more as well, he created some nice chances.
  7. no rob ray, laughing with the dutch can never get out of hand ?
  8. I think linus slipt a bit, lost his footing.
  9. yeah they should keep him and zemgus around for our 4th line.
  10. Scandella is much worse, man he just gives away the puck in our own d zone.
  11. No hockey on tv here at all, used to have ESPN 2 that played MSG now and then. But that sports channel got cancelled. Now I just watch on reddit streams lol
  12. Sure your boss can be persuaded to let you watch at work ?
  13. Nothing better than a 7 pm game modo, relaxed at home in my chair ?
  14. Hope they are doing it to showcase Scandella befor the deadline :p
  15. Matthews deal is a deal that won't keep him in Toronto. And gives him more power on where to play. Eichel took the discount to play for the sabres for a long time and wants to be here. Matthews I'm not so sure he wants to be a leaf for life. There are players out there with big long time deals , sure they got payed well, but do regret not being able which team to play for.
  16. I was crazy about him a while back to, but I've come to watch him a bit more. Might be a better foligno but that is it.
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