Boudreau still needs to be fired though, I don't think we have a shot at keefe.
Boughner / Gronborg would be my choices. But my best bet is JBOT waits until after the playoffs. if Babcock really is on the hot seat he is a prime candidate.
Haven't watched a game all month, I could this one but early morning at work and I will most likely just go to sleep.
If they keep this up we'll end up in the bottom 3 of the league.
Have to confess, just like the players I dialed out this month myself, haven't watched a single minute of sabres hockey.
Days I could have, I decided to go out and have a beer, can't say I regretted it.
Good for you, but hope you realize for some picking a second team is close to blasfemy. Personally I could never do it, I'd rather be miserable then watch another team.