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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. I'm still busy working every day and I'm glad for it ?
  2. I think they would just do playoffs if it ever starts up again, but I'm afraid with the late measures taken season is over yes. I'm counting since first reported case that everyday they waited to do a lockdown, I'm adding an extra 3 days of lockdown.
  3. You are good man, but I don't think if this breaks out in Africa anything can be done about it. The west is in no position to help those countries out. The only one that will is China.
  4. Still going to work everyday - Passenger side of airport is closed but cargo side still running like usual minus the passenger flights. Might even have more cargo flights coming but we'll see what if that actually happens. Its bound to dry up sooner than later with the entire industry down.
  5. Don't know him is he supposed to be somewhate decent ? ?
  6. The only thing my country did right is Isolate the elderly really fast, still 50% of people in hospital are under the age 50 at the moment. Can you Imagine like in Italy have to take old people of the respirators to save the young ones. Everyone severely sick over 60, they don't even bother anymore. They just hope they pull out of it but all treatment goes to young people with better survival chances.
  7. Over here more believe the Virus would have been released in China to cripple their economy and not vice versa. ?
  8. That might end up being the case if you look at Italy.
  9. Well with Mariota going to the Raiders, Carr probably will still be traded to the Patriots.
  10. Ah some of you know more about this than me, but do find it strange South-Korea got their ***** together so fast. Now Montenegro has leadership I can appreciate, closed borders 2 weeks in advance of the rest of Europe. Everyone coming from certain risk countries like Italy / Switzerland / slovenia got put in Quarantine back then. 0 infections there so far.
  11. not really true, both SARS and MERS are both in the Corona family and test kits based on those are being used in Asia. Also the reason why they believe Chloroquine that was used against malaria in the day will help against Covid-19. Was already found to be useful against SARS in a lab here in Belgium in 2004. The Chinese got informed about that and started using it though was never tested outside of a lab.
  12. It most likely been going around much longer, thing is that countries like South-Korea that had to deal with SARS have a good supply of test kits. Something the West is severely lacking in.
  13. Yeah I think unless they close my airport fully down. With all the passenger flights not flying that usually take up to 10.000kg minumum of cargo with. We will probably see more cargo planes coming in to pick up all the cargo.
  14. well seeing the way it spreads in infected areas, the 3 day thing seems very plausible.
  15. Depends on the surface, but metal and plastic 3 days they said in the papers here.
  16. yeah that is why they to do the lockdowns, spreads like a motha*****er.
  17. Yes, sticks to any surface for a day. metal and plastic 3 days even.
  18. True, but very rare to jump more than one animal to human. Rare as in never happened before.
  19. True but I find it hard to believe that it would jump from 2 animals to a human. And they clearly stated this corona virus has a 5th branch only found in America.
  20. Apparently Chinese and Japanes scientists found out this Corona strain might have origin from USA and might be linked to those vaper deaths over the summer. Its a strain that might come out of a military lab that got shut down with a military base nearby. You might ask how it got to Wuhan, there were militay games in wuhan in Octobre. Colleague just showed me article today from japanese scientists on his phone. My tin foil hat is buzzing ?
  21. With Bolsonaro the count is up to 4 corona infected people touching trump in the last week ?
  22. What is proven ? really nothing is proven with this new virus. They are just starting to figure it out and most scientists make contradicting claims. Last week it was nothing to worry about, only a small flu, now those same guys say we need to go on lockdown.
  23. Already some rumours its coming out of a lab, wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
  24. Only thing I can say is, corona really seems to want Trump. 3rd guy this week he has been in close contact with has come down with it. ?
  25. I don't look at this as a country doing this, the real power isn't with the countries but with the multinationals.
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