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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. I think he should be a 3RHD on this team anytime.
  2. Over 300 pages 😄
  3. At this point I think he'll be in training camp 😞
  4. Also they seemed to really like Levi.
  5. Reinhart and 14 for a top 7 player ? glad that didn't happen, Reinhart alone should have gotten you 7.
  6. When you hear KA say, I think we have to take this because its the best offer. Seems the market on Reinhart was slow, unless it was about the risto trade but he was talking about zito just before so I figure its about Reihart.
  7. Changed my mind, I think we are going to suck like our tank teams 😞
  8. I think its a good sign, but very annoying for us fans 😄
  9. Oh man last major snow I seen been 30 years ago. When I was 8 we still had 50cm some days. Now we are lucky to get 5cm one day a year and yeah I love the snow and miss it.
  10. I say he is traded in the next two weeks, for the record I'm not his source 😄
  11. Same ***** everywhere here as well, have to show you are vaccinated when entering a bar soon, like bar staff have the time and luxury to play police. 🙄 Paper should be fine, as long as you didn't get Sputnik or Chinese one you are allowed in.
  12. Picked number 3, but If Casey and Dylan not make huge leaps its going to be 4 easy.
  13. I just remeber I was 18 yrs old and playing NHL 2000 with my twin brother, goofing around and I told him lets watch some news. Turned on CNN and was like , wow Plane flew into a building must be a freak accident, minutes later saw the 2nd plane go in live. I know I felt mad about it for months after, and I still feel like the world has gotten worse. The bombing of my airport in 2016 really pissed me of, you try to be open minded, but when you have Muslims that worked at the airport here celebrating the bombing and others showing IS vids on whatsapp. Only thing that gives me hope are the few that go in against those kind of religious beliefs, sadly those are the older muslims and Europe let Wahabism sponsored by Saudia Arabia in to much.
  14. 3 more weeks at least 😛
  15. Yeah I don't get it, when you trade for a player like this, no one should be untouchable in your prospect pool.
  16. Lets not settle , lets go for more. In 5 years McDavid will be our 2C 😛
  17. Both played on bottom 5 teams last 2 years but Gibson played 60% of the games and not below .090sv%, yeah I will take him over Ullmark right now and I love the potential of a healhty Linus but i just don't see after all those years and all the injuries.
  18. Gibson is proven in the NHL and to be honest I would take 1st round pick less coming back for him in an Eichel trade. I see him as a cross between hasek and miller.
  19. we still need cap back and to be honest I don't see much better coming up from our system and I do see him rebound easy with some good defenders before him. Power / Dahlin / drysdale / Joker / samuelson / bryson / miller might give you a good combo for him.
  20. I would still take a flyer on him as a cap dump coming back, but not as main piece in a trade like the ducks might be selling him. I do think the ducks want him gone and he wants to leave. you want us take him on, you give us that extra 1st rounder or drysdale/Zegras because he is a much bigger gamble than a healthy Jack. But I do believe he can rebound easy after 2 bad seasons with a good goalie coach.
  21. To be honest if we get gibson no way we are bottom 5.
  22. I was actually dreaming last night Gibson was traded to us along with Drysdale , a 1st and Henrique And we had an awefull 80 point season 😄
  23. Man 55 point season would mean we fail hard.
  24. Yeah one of the bars I frequent switched to new beers and dumped stella artois ( its better but they basically bully bars over here and owners have enough of it). So now this is my beer there - Gouden Carolus 9% https://www.hetanker.be/en/gouden-carolus-tripel
  25. I went on bike to a bar last night - 6km in the wind - was worse on the return when I was really drunk 😛
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