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In The Buff

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Everything posted by In The Buff

  1. dangit, thought we were all setup to draft McGroarty & Winnipeg snagged him ahead of us. I know nobody had him ranked this high, but liked him as a player.
  2. Would you trade #16 for Dach? Someone further along in their development than whoever the pick might be? I'd probably say thats too high for us.
  3. hope i posted this in the right thread
  4. I'd give him the least term possible even if it meant paying a little more if thats what it took for him to accept it. Money shouldnt be an option if we're picking up players to get to the floor. Reasons i wouldnt give him more you've already covered, but he most likely is near his ceiling & doesnt forecheck & provide what we'd lack once Quinn, Peterka & Rosen & our youngins start coming up here. I have to think we still could add a veteran player into the mix which would change the complexion of the team as well. Now there's no guarantee they'll be as good as VO, but with the way VO plays do u envision a 31 year old VO in his same role down the road? How about a 30 year old VO? Where would he fit in i guess? And could we get the same thing he provides from one of our youngsters coming up? Its a good problem to have because it means theres real competition
  5. I think the team & players themselves should have a say in deciding. I mean they would know the most of who the real leaders are in the room. I wonder how much input the players have or if this decision is made from the top. But Kyle & Tuch make the most sense imho.
  6. For me it started early when i was a kid, staying up really late pretending to be sleeping all while hiding a small radio under my pillow late at night so i could listen to RJ call the games. Hearing that crowd at the Aud roaring over the airwaves as RJ called the play: as dreams of Sabrespace danced thru my head. I'd say his calls had a big role to play. Have to also include Rick Vaive on the list. Watching him play, sticking his neck out on the ice & seeing the pain he'd be in with the nerve issues & his neck. Seeing his determination growing up hooked me as well. Later on it'd be Hasek of course & the identity of that team in general. nice topic!
  7. I agree. Whatever anyones thoughts on it, in the end after decades of being able to study the impacts of various stadium locations on the region, we settle for a smaller stadium next to the old one. Seriously thats what we go with? Idk how that is anything other than missing an opportunity in a region lacking opportunities. Did we plan on ways to maximize the revenue this stadium can generate? Did we have any strategic thinking about any of this? KBC needs renovating? Perhaps we couldve combined the 2 projects into a sports corridor? Or how about our City has needed a new convention center for years, decades even. Dallas has their huge stadium, that also houses conventions & concerts & brings in revenue every month of the year. Will our new stadium do that in Orchard Park? Nope, we just spent a billion $$ on a smaller stadium next to the old one for what, to be used 15 or so days a year max? Glad the team will be here in the future but this was a golden opportunity & in the end we just settled for a smaller stadium next to the old one
  8. haha, on a positive note at least its not true... i hope 😛
  9. Saw a tweet that simply said: 8 UFA's 1 6th rd pick I hear what everyone has been saying but for a team thats rebuilding their assets, it just seems we didn't maximize our return on all that we had is all. And given our drought of historic proportions its not like our cupboard's been overflowing with them. Surely we could use as much as we can. What Dudacek has been saying makes a lot of sense & has a lot of merit imho. But aside from his points, just on the current trade deadline: I dont care what the odds are for a 5th rd pick, once and awhile you hit on one (Tom Brady GOAT 6th rd wrong sport but yeah you get it). Maybe you can flip those picks for a future player or package. Maybe that player turns into Oloffson or the greatest of all time. If the argument to not trading someone like Vinnie Hinostroza is that our team is playing too well right now & trading him would hurt our progress too much, then whats that say about the rest of the team, where we need him that much, or better yet, whats that say about Vinnie Hinostroza? lol
  10. dangit, wish i wouldve checked here sooner to share this. They had the practice live streamed on youtube Its over now but if u want to watch it here's the link. Action really starts a 1/3 of the way thru
  11. I've always thought we should pair 1 offensive D with a more defensive minded player for balance. So ideally in the future i'd like a Joki/Dahlin type paired with Power. But Power's 1st season i can see how having a seasoned veteran paired with him would be a great idea.
  12. how would we feel if Americans were being suspended due to our invasion of Iraq? At least with Ukraine there's a joint history involving the 2 nations. I don't agree with what Russia is doing & feel bad for all the victims & hope Ukraine survives. But lets not kid ourselves, usually when we go to war, its halfway around the world, under false pretenses & usually for some geopolitical reason in support of our global hegemony. We've lost a bit of our ability to grandstand about some morale high ground & thats a shame. But we see how hard it is to affect change here with our government in America. What power do you think the average Russian has over what Putin does & their own? How easy has it been here to steer our leaders to the will of the People & we supposedly live in the Land of the Free? What do we expect a Russian to do? And a Russian hockey player at that? lol Suspending athletes or hockey players from Russia who have no power at all over what their govt does seems like something an autocrat would do, kinda ironic since it'd be that behavior we'd be against in the 1st place lol. Ban hockey events from Russia, hurt the State, not the individual largely powerless in all this is what i say.
  13. fart away my friend, fart away. But yeah i agree 100%, nice post, farts & all
  14. something he did often & learned from his time with our Sabres no doubt
  15. I believe the 1st time i ever saw him was around 1998. The tweet says he was doing it for decades but no idea on when he 1st started. I lived in Allentown too (a few times), but even if u were just passing thru, u couldn't miss it. BUBBLES EVERYWHERE!!! 🙂
  16. man what a bummer. Slowly as i get older, 1 by 1 all the little things that made life brighter fade away & losing Chuck the bubble guy is no exception. I remember the 1st time i saw those there, was with a group of girls & they all went nuts... suppose we all remember the 1st time we saw them. In recent years i saw he had a fan set up that blew the bubbles automatically. Can you imagine all the soap bottles he must've gone thru over the years? Or the soap stains on the inside of that wall there? RIP Chuck the bubbles guy. I hardly knew ya but feel like ive known you my whole life.
  17. the way i remember saying it was: Theres Zhitnik on Mike Peca that's starting to Smehlik isnt that Grosek? good for some laughs while drinking beers back in the day 😛
  18. commercials? What are those? Since i watch the games on free online streams, the commercials are blocked out & i don't see any of them. So i can pick the home or away feed for any game i want, whenever i want, pause or rewind the game when i want & not have to deal with any of those commercials either... score! But if you're hurt in a car i suppose its good to know u can call William Mattar 😛
  19. Your entire post summed it perfectly. On a side note i thought this was a slightly comical choice of words from Weekes on this acquisition. Kinda funny that getting a replacement level goaltender is BIG NEWS around here 🤣 The fact that it sort of is, is just a sign of the times i guess. Regardless i cant wait to see how he looks out there
  20. exactly! They knew what our goaltending would be going into this season & this is what they wanted. We're spending $2,127,500 on both of our goaltenders. Only Arizona spends less. You get what you pay for & this was a strategic decision. It'd make absolutely no sense to suddenly break from their plan & make a move for another goalie. Unless we're talking Kenny who works in the concession stand or some other scrub who'd cost peanuts.
  21. that play at the end of the game last night after the empty net goal, summed up a lot about Dahlin's play where he slapped at the puck & whiffed & went flying past the net the next Lidstrom...
  22. i hate when people bring up Lidstrom when speaking about Dahlin. Its grossly unfair to both of them. But i dont believe people had the same concerns with Lidstrom at this state in his career (if ever). Sure Lidstrom was calm on the ice when he played. He was patient & calculated with everything he did. He was practically a coach on the ice, always seemed to be in the right places at the right time, and other teams respected him. He also always stood up for himself & stood up for his teammates. Never a fighter per se but you don't need to be. But these are all things i dont think one would say about Dahlin. Dahlin i'd say looks calm in the offensive end, on the defensive end he looks like a deer caught in headlights sometimes. But i dont want to get too far off track. Other teams dont respect Dahlin like they did Lidstrom. Dahlin needs to earn their respect & that just hasnt happened yet. We can say he's still young & to give him time & we'll be able to say that for a little bit longer, but at some point we'll have to stop. I'm honestly kinda lost on the comparison tho. I know when Dahlin was drafted everyone said "he's the next Lidstrom" but its been a few years now, do we still think that? It takes more to be a great player than just being able to stickhandle & skate better than most of your peers at your position. In fact that's probably the least important when it comes down to it. I mean when you think of Lidstrom is that what YOU think of 1st?
  23. OP brings up a good point & i think it goes into something else too. Rasmus needs to have some fire in him in general. He needs to toughen up. You have the size. You have the skill. You need to have the heart too. That will to compete & be all you can be & to not let others bully you or push you around. Being willing to take a punch in the face to land a punch of your own, because you believe yours will be the knockout blow. A sense of urgency too. I've rarely if ever have seen that kinda thing from him & until he does i don't think we'll see him take that next step as a player. Like others have said, its not something you usually just develop. I guess we just have to hope with more sticks to the face & nights getting tossed around, maybe then he'll say i cant take it anymore & turn that switch on.
  24. Well the Rangers just gave Zibanejad his extension. That should put an end to the Jack to NY talk
  25. Others have already answered you. But i also have alternative streams for tonights game, should you or anyone else need them. As well as links for any other sporting event. Feel free to PM me if anyone needs some help watching the game and as always... GO SABRES!!!
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