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Everything posted by bob_sauve28

  1. Sounds like fans are into the game. I guess all is forgiven 🤷‍♀️ I had a Whopper with fries, pretty good
  2. Works not too difficult and you always get a real long off season! What’s not to like??
  3. Judging by poll results, yes! Except for Sabretooth
  4. You have been called in to do an assessment of the Sabres. You have watched, what's your take?
  5. I can see Billy Martin doing something like that. Not anyone in the Sabres would put up such a darn old stink as do something like that, and really, they shouldn't If they did, Dahlin should ask to be traded
  6. Wow, that was a read through of some serious Sabre history!
  7. My mother moved to Tennessee so I got to visit many battlefields out there. Franklin was a pretty wild battlefield, probably the coolest I've seen. Thomas, the "Rock of Chickamauga" was the Union commander there. Not a huge battlefield at all, but it had something like the highest casualty rate of a major battle for numbers involved, or something. The battle took place basically on this family's farm. House is still there and all, holes in buildings and all. We went down in the basement of the house where the family hid during the battle and all crouched down like we were hiding pretending thousands of guns are going off over our heads and then the guy leading us got us all upset by saying that during the battle the families little girl was missing! We were a little to into the moment and got all worried over this little girl from 160 years before and he said she was found safe and sound later. She had ran to get her little doll.
  8. He was again accused of being a drunk at Shilo, and getting attacked by surprise. He got the reputation as a butcher in that summer of '64 trying to finish off the job. The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, The Battle of the Creator and finally to the siege around Petersburg and Richmond, where the killing went on whole sale for awhile. Great just kept trying to stick that pointed stick in Lee's eye and Lee fought back with all he had, but men just fell like the leaves. Grant just would not let Lee up, using probing attacks and feints he made sure Lee had all his lines manned, and then try stretching him out more, but all this cost lives. It did work in the end, though
  9. Don’t leave us hanging! What are the demographic differences?? Sabres have a higher income fan level? Probably more white, suburban fans?
  10. They need time to plan for where they will be going as soon as this stupid season is over. They probably have a laugh at all the players that still have to “work” during the lame playoffs, which our Sabres can watch, with palm trees waving in the nice breeze and they enjoy their nice long vacation away from annoying fans, nosy reporters and hockey
  11. Well, make sure you check out “Bryson’s Goal” Says it all
  12. First question: Will you resign with the team, and if yes, what will it take to get this done? I bet he wants out
  13. Yes! I'd love to ask him some questions. I always watch how he interacts with his teammates when he scores. They treat him differently, like he isn't in the clique. A one year contract thing can do that I suppose
  14. Yup, Lee learned that the North had an army that would fight. Grant would soon learn that Lee had an army with plenty of fight left in it. The Summer of 1864, worst Summer in American history, I can't imagine another summer that would even be a close second.
  15. I've stood at the spot in the center of the Union line at Gettysburg. Looked out over that field and just shook my head, how in the world did Johnny Reb think they could knock our boys off that position. Insanity. Then I went to the Little Round Top and just couldn't believe they even tried taking that. From the bottom, it just looks impossible
  16. I am copy and pasting this from over at TSW
  17. You are only as good as your star power will take you. Josh Allen really, really wants to win. Who on the Sabres has that drive to win? I can't think of anyone, maybe Benson
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