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Everything posted by bob_sauve28

  1. Totally agree that the city supports a winner but while we support winners, we don't seem really good at pushing losers to get better. Jerry Sullivan does kind of have a point about our media being soft, and not really holding the organizations to account. Heck, the media really seems complicit with the team, as if they are the same team. The Bills are different on this point. The NFL's media reach is so much larger and they can put pressure on the organization to do better, the Sabres really don't have that. The media coverage of Sabres is more chummy, more friendly. And with missing the playoffs they simply avoid more media spotlights. When Mogilney made that quote that are a "one newspaper town" I think he was on to something. I'm not blaming the people of Buffalo, I'm just arguing our situation doesn't really empower fans to push for more accountability
  2. This goal should not have counted
  3. No disagreeing that Terry is terrible, but this city has put up with him and his do nothingness with the Sabres. When Mogilney left town I remember him saying he didn't like living in a one newspaper town, or something. And really, does this media hold the Sabres accountable? I'd say no. In fact, I'd argue the media is part of the problem. It's like an embedded reporter with the military during war, generally positive reporting. They just want news, good or bad, they don't care. I mean, just look at our broadcast team! Nothing says you don't care more than that!
  4. Nope. I just wonder if we are missing the larger point. It's not the organization that's the problem, its the city. The Sabres are a second rate franchise in their own town. The Bills are the real draw and the Sabres for most people don't even begin getting people's paying attention until after Bills season is over. Buffalo really IS NOT a great hockey town.
  5. Well, we sure are finding creative ways to lose games, that's for sure.
  6. Who better to end this streak against? Go Sabres! Moscow Winter!
  7. But baby it's cold outside...
  8. I watched the highlights and they did not even try explaining what happened there. 2024 can't end fast enough
  9. We really have eleven wins? That seems wrong
  10. Dude, they got pumped?? Well, alright
  11. Oh please, Terry probably slept just fine last night and is enjoying a nice breakfast now watching a dog show or something
  12. They had almost no shots on goal in the first period, so there would of been no crashing the net, what would be the point, the puck is not even in the zone. This isn't a tough or soft issue. A player being left wide open for a shot in the slot isn't about being soft, its about not playing hockey well. Just look at their passing! Brutal. How many times do they miss easy passes and just turn the puck over? Zone entries? 🤣 😩 Fore check? 🤷‍♂️ Any team chemistry? 💀 These are good players, but a bad hockey team.
  13. Wouldn't a riot be more fun? I mean come on, the insurance companies will pay for the damages. Think of the publicity it would generate. We could ride through downtown on E-bikes throwing snowball and saying really mean things to people.
  14. Who is the genius that decided Krebs is a good idea on the pp? I mean, in what universe does that make any sense? That's on Ruff, and it just really defies logic
  15. Of course, but Adams, or whoever, should be saying out loud, we want to make a trade. No more, "Well, we are always listening to offers" No doubt the pick will win the cup with the team he goes to.
  16. Another year, another very high draft pick for the Farm Team known as the Buffalo Sabres. Tage Thompson is a great hockey player who's career is going to die here in Buffalo if he does not get a top player to play with. We need someone that can make the PP work and this is a big bargaining chip. Hang out a for sale sign and see if there are any takers, but I'm sure we will wait till season is over to make any deal, but I do not want another long term project on the team where we have to wait seven years for him to grow to a man. We have enough "prospects" already.
  17. It's strange, they are playing well, take the lead, looking good...and then! The other team starts to push back, and Sabres just die. They suddenly have nothing, the team that was flying all over the place is suddenly back on their heals and can't get any traction. How many games have been like this? They just can't push back. The end up chasing, the other team just does what it wants and we lose. Last night they did push through it though and had three really good chances in third to tie but missed every one of them. Sigh They will beat Montreal
  18. Watch we win in Montreal and Terry gets the credit. Lol.
  19. They had their chances in the third. Was that three breakaways they had? Kulich right at the 2:00 minute mark had a golden opportunity Gotta finish, especially against a second rate goalie
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