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Everything posted by qwksndmonster

  1. Thanks ;) Got drunk and watched college football with my family and friends that I haven't been able to see since I left for college in August. Then my mom took my brother and I to drop-in and we kept drinking on the bench. Round it all out with a $110 win at trivia and a wonderful birthday dinner of beef stir fry, bagels, cream cheese, and lox. Then my mom's double layer chocolate cake. Awesome day. EDIT: I edited this post like a hundred times making it more and more detailed. Why am I so weird?
  2. :lol: NS always quick with a joke and to light up your smoke. :lol: Amazing
  3. What do you mean by awesome? Like the porn he was linking was awesome or was he making fun of the lockout?
  4. Will people stop it with the pessimism and the calls to cancel the season? This is my first lockout and I'm going to cry.
  5. I enjoyed a lot of college football today, and I don't usually watch it. The second half the Michigan Ohio game was some of the worst offense I've seen since Dick Jauron, though.
  6. The deer or a Harry Plinkett reference? What, you didn't play Counter Strike? That's the real classic first online shooter. Console-tard :P :wub: I'm so envious that you only played Mass Effect 1. Bioware really dropped the ball on 2 and 3. It crushed my heart to watch the universe that seemed so promising degrade into nonsense. This is a long one, and I won't feel bad if you don't wanna know my life story. Classic (all time favorite) video games: Half Life (1, 2, and the episodes), Silent Hill 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Call of Duty 4, Battle for Middle-Earth 2, Grand Theft Auto (3 and Vice City), Halo Reach (just online), Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, System Shock 2, Deus Ex (original and Human Revolution), Minecraft, Team Fortress (classic and 2), Left 4 Dead (1 and 2), Bioshock, The Walking Dead adventure game (quite new and masterful), and all the classic N64s (Goldeneye, Smash Bros, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Mario Party, and Starfox). If you want to know what any of these are about or why I love them so much, PM me. The games in bold are made by Valve, the best triple A studio in gaming. If you want me to back up that claim, read this: http://www.valvesoft...book_LowRes.pdf Video games in general, obviously, are a huge hobby of mine. I love first person shooters (usually online). I played Counter Strike consistently from age seven to eleven, played the absolute hell out of CoD 4, and have been playing Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and Reach since then. All of the Call of Duty games since 4 have been a pathetic myriad of terrible campaigns, unbalanced nonsensical multiplayer systems, and the worst gaming community in histroy. I'm scary good at spy and engineer in TF2, SWAT in Reach, and I may have been the best 8 year old Counter Strike player in the world (hyperbole, but my 18 year old brother quit because of me). Video games as an artistic and storytelling medium have come a long way but still have much longer to go, and I'm so very afraid and excited for the future. I enjoy detailed analysis of games and always nitpick everything I experience. My favorite game critic (and a damn good novelist) who I strongly reccomend even if you are a casual/non game player is Yahtzee Croshaw. http://www.escapistm...ero-punctuation EDIT: These are brief five minute game reviews. Check at least one out to see the style. NSFW My love of video games spawned my love of computers. I built my first computer in ninth grade, and have built every computer any family member has needed since (and a few for friends). I currently have a ten pound ASUS G74 laptop with the following specs: Intel i7 quad core processor 12 GB RAM The worst touchpad mouse of all time (ever) 500 GB HD (with 1.5 TB external) A heat vent that looks like the grill of Ink's new ride. Nvidia (capitilization?) Geforce 560M GTX with 3 GB video RAM Two redundant stickers. "Sol" (my name), and "Canada" (the country where I reside). I love playing ultimate frisbee, tennis (love and hate), hockey, soccer, and skiing. I'm the best and most serious about frisbee, although I'm no slouch at tennis. I started playing hockey 2 years ago and have always been a soccer player. I am a freshman in college, so I obviously love drinking and partying. Thursday night-Monday night is a dorm wide sh*t show (imagine a college dorm where students aren't only allowed to drink, they are encouraged by frequent college-sponsored drinking events). There's a nice big turf field right next to our dorm that is lit at night by floodlights; we use it for late night intoxicated sports. I write fiction often, and send it to my girlfriend. She's a linguistics major in her second year at Cornell with a 3.9 GPA (grrrr), so she makes for a great editor because she both points out flaws very constructively and loves the writing unconditionally. One thing I've written that might interest the board has the following setting: post apocalyptic Canada where hockey is the only semi-nonlethal means of sorting out conflict. Most of my writing is first person and that person is always a whiny teenage boy of some sort. The reason I write is because of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I play music. Instead of being really good at an instrument, I'm more of a jack of all trades. The only two instruments I'd classify myself as good at are timpani and electric bass. I don't have access to timpani anymore and I knew it was the end of my playing when I didn't go to school for music :-( On the flip side, there's a drumset and an incredibly nice electric piano on my floor and I jam with others more than I ever did at home (minus marching band). Being a jack of all trades really helps because I can jump in on almost any jam. I'm currently teaching one of my friends how to play the drums. I am constantly blown away by beauty (I'm a hopeless romantic). I'm back in WNY for Thanksgiving and seeing the stars again was so amazing. The view of the night lights of Montreal from atop Mount Royale is about a 15 minute walk through the woods and it's a trip I make very often. I'm very partial to forests, hills, and mountains. The trees in the summer are gorgeous and lush, and when everything's caked in the winter snow the forest is finally beautiful again. I really like fog, as it adds mystery to the rest of the word and emphasis to the small slice you can observe. I've lost a lot of time recently on a website called "Cabin Porn" (safe for work, I swear). http://freecabinporn.com/ I'm also a helpless insomniac, but that's not a hobby. Porn.
  7. Could be worse. Could be drums. I had a lovely Thanksgiving with my family whom I haven't seen since August. I hope everyone else did as well. You guys are one of my favorite parts of the internet :wub:
  8. Teams that have Derek Roy on them for any amount of time aren't manly enough for that name.
  9. I'm home for Thanksgiving and dear god did I ever miss the stars. I'magolooksommore
  10. I just decided to go home for thanksgiving yesterday. I don't know what'll be on the table (other than lots of booze), but I do know that I'll get two dinners. Double Christmas and Thanksgiving were always the best perks for kids with divorced parents. I can't wait to get back home.
  11. The professor of my Greek Mythology class just sent every student an email that says due to computer glitches in the remote participation software, everybody will be getting full participation grades for the class.
  12. I looked at the picture and then said his name five times fast. ROYROYROYROYROY, So glad I never have to watch him in blue and gold again.
  13. Next Bills game is the day after my birthday, so I expect a W. It warmed my heart to watch the defense finally dominate someone.
  14. This was Gauthier-Leduc's first professional game, and he scored! Way to go, kiddo (person that is older than me).
  15. :P :w00t: Ott posted this on his Twitter along with saying that he "Would have a beer with JR any time."
  16. I got to see my brother in the front row of the Penguins-Flyers game 5. You could see him next to the boards every time they did an ice level shot. He got to see 4 out of 5 goals right in front of him. I was still 18, but it was still really really neat.
  17. I like Fitz. He's our quarterback :wallbash: (not directed at you guys, i've just been spending way to much time on the bbmb).
  18. I don't think we can really ask or answer questions like this until we know the specifics. There's so many millions of things the injury could've been.
  19. The pick was partially Fitz's fault, but Fehr deserves the blame.
  20. Reading Roenick's typing makes me want to shoot myself.
  21. My guess is Gerbe or McCormick.
  22. Figured out what you meant right after I left my computer :doh: Cantenacci looks fast.
  23. He's also Russian.
  24. Terrible playcalling? Come on, the offense played balls out.
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