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Everything posted by qwksndmonster

  1. Yeah. It's not bad like they failed at what they were trying to do. It's bad like they've never seen a movie before and tried to make one.
  2. But it also gives d-men so much more room to clear it up the boards.
  3. That's the best part. "I'm sad, so I'ma make some art... and put it on a hoodie to sell!" It's a huge dweeb move.
  4. Alien: Covenant was pretty good. Michael Fassbender needed to play more characters, though.
  5. Or at least like, girls that can undo a button.
  6. Sorry Bio :( My condolences, jsb. Blech :(
  7. I took it as that + being aware of all the vitriol and hatred spewed at him via social media.
  8. I feel bad for Ville about how his time with the Sabres turned out. The dude got SO much hate for sucking at his job, it's not like he wanted to suck. Every single Darcy failure from 2007 on, the players took the most heat for it. Sports is a business, it's entertainment, so fans are entitled to feel how they want to about players. But I've never felt good about having a whipping boy on the sabres in retrospect. I grew to hate Derek Roy and then Tim Conolly. Even though their initially sucessful careers were cut short by the brutality of the NHL, I hated them because Darcy built a team and didn't do anything to change it. I remember being so sick of all the Ville hate. It was like every game people were seeing him suck for the first time. His art is hilarious because it's so bad, but I still empathize with his pain. I'm glad he's looking for ways to express himself artistically. I feel like so many career hockey players never have the chance to truly develop any passions away from the ice.
  9. I agree completely. The game slows down for the sake of a bunch of needless violence.
  10. First "DO SOMETHING, JBOT!!!" Nice.
  11. Ville Leino's artistic side is hilarious and amazing.
  12. Consider that there are infinite universes. Do you really feel comfortable stating that TM *never* called her that?
  13. I love how much Nacho we got! There was so much sadness on every story line tonight, except maybe Chuck's. That last scene with Jimmy and Kim was v interesting. Why didn't Jimmy didn't wanna show the video to Kim? Their reactions to the screening was so juicy. Jimmy was downplaying Saul as a character (just a name) while Kim was enjoying considering his energy.
  14. Oh man the PS2 has the best games library of any console ever.
  15. Yeah. Entertainingly bad. It feels like they condensed 9 seasons of a tv show into a 2 hour montage. And King Arthur is an pimp... I guess?
  16. Ugh. It really is a barren wasteland now that Franson is gone.
  17. Is anybody really displaying irrational exuberance for Antipin? Yeah, penciling him into the top 4 is premature, but irrational?
  18. Hotel Yorba is such a fun song. I used to play that with a band. And the Black Keys are awesome. Everlasting Light, Ten Cent Pistol, Sinister Kid... so many great songs.
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