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Everything posted by qwksndmonster

  1. Yeah, sure. In a vacuum, guys stay with teams all the time. But look at Kane's career so far: He started in Atlanta and played on a losing team. Then the team moved to Winnipeg and they kept losing. Then the sweatsuit thing happened and Kane got traded to us. He ran into trouble with the law and ownership/gmtm didn't seem very keen on him since then. In what universe does Kane not take advantage of picking where he gets to live and what team he plays for? I don't buy it.
  2. Yeah maybe. I'm not making that bet. I'm betting on one or more of Fasching, Baptiste, Bailey, Nylander making up for Kane's absence. Our D needs much more help right now. Kane is our most attractive trade chip right now.
  3. Running into trouble with the cops and being on a losing team. This is his big chance to not only contol his own destiny, but to make the money that's going to have him set for the rest of his life. Why would he stay with the Sabres? Maybe he hits it off with Botteril and loves the new coach. I'd rather take last season as the blessing it was, Kane regaining his trade value.
  4. I don't know how you can look at his time in Buffalo and not assume he's gonna chase that big pay day. That's what I'd do.
  5. Went up to Ithaca to see It Comes At Night tonight. I was so excited to see it! It's director Trey Schults's second movie. His first movie is called Krisha, an indie film he shot with his family in 9 days with so little money. Krisha is amazing. Fantastic. Touching. Frightening. Real. It Comes At Night is such a disappointment. Basically a rehash of The Witch, but it's not tethered to anything. It's not scary and it's not about anything. It's a believable post-apocalyptic setting, but absolutely nothing is done with it. At least I watched Zodiac and Nightcrawler earlier (Gyllenhaal double feature!), so my good movie itch was already scratched for today.
  6. Breaking Bad was, on the most part, careful never to say exactly when it was taking place. It's got this strange touch of timelessness to it. I think some things in season 1 have 2007 written on them, but after that it's pretty much gone. It's weird that it shares a setting with Better Call Saul, where the temporality is stated and matters a whole lot more.
  7. I think Big Little Lies gives BCS a run for its money. But it's difficult to compare a 7 episode series to a show with multiple seasons and counting.
  8. GoT may have been a prestige show at one point but... yeah. Not anymore.
  9. We should post both.
  10. All things equal, I'd take Kane. Based on their current contracts, I'll take Eberle.
  11. I love the Fast & Furious series. They built such a loyal fanbase and got to make 8 movies so far. And instead of the sequels getting stale they ramp up the ridiculousness of the action scenes into this fun/awesome/campy place. The Rock recently called Vin Diesel a candy ass. The context was "All the women on the set of F8 were so awesome to work with. One cast member was a candy ass." I will never be able to look at Vin Diesel again and not think "Candy Ass." (Unfortunately, F8 was kinda bad. I blame the candy ass.)
  12. Breaking Bad is still 4-5 years away from where Jimmy is right now. The rest of Better Call Saul is going to be about Jimmy building his own personal empire, giving away pieces of himself on the way. We know he has to fall back into the maelstrom of the Cartel plotline. When Jesse and Walt first kidnap Saul and take him to the desert, he screams "It wasn't me, it was Ignacio!" I think getting involved with that is probably going to be a conscious decision. But maybe not, he might be pulled in by a desperate Nacho. What makes me the most sure that the Cartel/Gus/Mike/Nacho thing is going to come back to Jimmy is the fact that the pilot ends with Tuco yanking him inside at gunpoint. He's probably coming back at some point as well.
  13. I think we're definitely going to spend a lot more time in the black-and-white present. I think the show is going to run 5 seasons, probably 50 episodes total. The entire 2002 plotline is made up of memories. The bright and beautiful coloration that define Jimmy's journey are an aspect of him looking back at them through the lens of his current life. The show isn't going to have to come up with any new characters, Kim and/or Chuck are going to be a big part of whatever is happening in the present.
  14. Like, top 10 offensive talent in the league superstar.
  15. He's a budding superstar.
  16. You can't even buy that Eichel is going to pile up the assists?
  17. My read on Kane is that he doesn't want to re-sign. Even if he did, I'm with true. We already have Okposo on a big winger contract. We still need to replace his speed/toughness/finishing ability, but I'm willing to gamble on Fasching/Baptiste/Bailey being able to grow into that role. Especially since they'll get to play with a great center pretty much no matter what.
  18. Also, nobody cares about baseball
  19. It hurt to see the way he was coached under Bylsma. Despite how slick his hands are, he would always just dump it in as soon as he got it to the center line. Part of that was that he had no energy left after bailing out Gorges from getting slaughtered by other team's top lines. Once we have the D men/coach to facilitate it, I wanna see Risto carrying the puck himself. He's gotta have a coach that trusts him and pushes him to be more aggressive with the puck.
  20. We don't have a terrible offense, we have a bad defense.
  21. My brother thought it was a photo at first. Awesome job, Josie.
  22. Don't you dare talk to Nicole Kidman that way. The brewery I'm at changed the hockey game to the end of the Red Sox game. WTF. I'm in New Hampshire, these people aught to care about hockey.
  23. I've been drunkenly screaming at my brother for the past 20 mins. My bro is one of those guys that thinks NHL coaching doesn't matter at all. I've been screaming at him about how much Bylsma sucked. He's a dummy.
  24. Kane's not staying here anyways. Get Ovechkin and we will be favorites for the '19 cup. Get 'er done, Darcy. Or... whoever
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