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Everything posted by qwksndmonster

  1. Heading up to Ithaca to see Baby Driver tonight. So excited! This is my first Edgar Wright movie in a theater. Someday I'll see Scott Pilgrim on the big screen. https://twitter.com/edgarwright/status/875745153968943104
  2. Oh man Eddie Murphy is infectious in that movie. So sweet and funny.
  3. I'd love to do it again. Gotta put together some money.
  4. Yes please. Old but still a good player. Always loved him.
  5. Invisible over the second half
  6. I love Will Smith. But lately he's just starred in duds (suicide squad, collateral beauty). I think the last good movie he was in is Concussion.
  7. I still have hope for Zemgus to be just as good a third liner as Larsson. If Kane sticks around I think those three would be a killer third line. Zemgus might still be able to do some board work for Eichel, too.
  8. I just finished watching Training Day. I forgot how good it was. Fun fact: Training Day was written by David Ayer, who would go on to direct Academy Award winner Suicide Squad. I watched Birdman for the first time earlier tonight. I kinda love it. The style, the cast, the supernatural stuff, the sets! Oh my goodness the sets are fricken gorgeous. I don't think the movie really means anything or has anything original to say. But holy does Inarritu despise women. And good god is he a crotchety old man with absolutely no insight on the internet/modern culture. Dude's head is soooooo faaaaar up his ass. It was kinda sad to learn that the Always Sunny episode Charlie Work wasn't an original concept. Oh well.
  9. My real answer is Training Day. Oh I know.
  10. End of Watch I haven't seen it, but it's my favorite.
  11. It's like an arrested developmeny running joke. It's still funny.
  12. It sure was a draft alright.
  13. Good name, good prospect.
  14. Best pick of the draft.
  15. His name isn't doing it for me. It's fine, but like, eh.
  16. All my thoughts are basically that Paul Hamilton is a blowhard.
  17. I expected to like it, too. It's so squarely in my wheelhouse. I'm a drummer, I love obsessed artist stories, I love jazz, but it just didn't connect with me.
  18. The league is going toward soft euros? I wish.
  19. I'm still mad at the Sens for letting the Leafs off the hook.
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