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Everything posted by qwksndmonster

  1. 10/10
  2. Sucks to be hired to fail because you're a product of a different era. On the other hand, free money.
  3. Yeah but the soldiers who joined their side just saved their bacon. Those people aren't going to just fight for free.
  4. I'm not really sure how Sansa's way leads to more infighting among bannermen. I'm confused. Sansa's not saying they shouldn't come together.
  5. I dunno, I feel like in a war for existence you should be thinking "What have they done for me lately?" Rather than worrying about ancient alliances. Winter is not the time for child lords (unless that child lord is Lyanna Mormont).
  6. I don't think I've ever seen a lazier shot hour of television. They didn't bother lighting over half the scenes. I get that it's winter, and stuff is dark, but light still needs to be shaped to make the frame interesting to look at. I thought it was interesting that the season opened with Arya's Fray revenge scene and then the next scene was Bran looking at the white walkers. Kinda tells you where Westerosi priorities still lie.
  7. And then Ed Sheeran showed up.
  8. I blame GoDD.
  9. I uh..... ...actually kinda liked tonight's episode of game of thrones. a little
  10. At this stage in his career he shouldn't be anything but a 3rd pairing guy. He was frequently pushed into the role of a 2nd pairing guy on our team and was adequate, despite the rest of the defense being a tire fire. He was good for us. 2015-2016 Franson? Yikes.
  11. Surprising that he hasn't been signed to at least a 1 year deal yet. He was good for us last year.
  12. I get to judge your guys' picks without having to do anything myself. This is nice.
  13. The Big Sick is good. Really sweet and funny.
  14. I think you have a Resplendent, Beautiful Face.
  15. Last night at around ~3 it was clear overhead with a thunderstorm slowly approaching from the distance. It was beautiful. Dang, here the rain isn't bad at all.
  16. I'll just be spectating this time around. I haven't watched enough hockey in recent seasons.
  17. I didn't really notice the score much the first time. The second time, it almost ruined everything single handedly. Wall-to-wall noise.
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