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Everything posted by qwksndmonster

  1. lol Stop it with your hebrew tongue!
  2. Just made it to wildwood an hour ago. I'm about to jump in the ocean. Eeeeeehehehehehehe
  3. Only you could make a super interesting hockey tournament sound boring.
  4. At least there's scoring in football.
  5. Is there a league that shows more obvious contempt for its fans than the NHL?
  6. With Mahershala Ali!!! I'm glad they're not abandoning the show after they rushed the f*ck out of season 2 and it was terrible. Definitely being produced by the same people. I don't think they have a director or anything for the second one.
  7. Am reading it now, actually. I kinda took a break in the middle to read Salem's lot.
  8. I'm really intrigued by the new IT movies. There's going to be two, one when they're kids and one when they're adults. Instead of being split between the 50s and 80s it's going to be the 80s and today.
  9. Scares are more atmospheric and existential. I'm so excited for the new adaption.
  10. Oh god that Aloha movie is terrible. In her next movie (Battle of the Sexes) she's playing Billie Jean King opposite Steve Carell as Bobby Riggs. I'm excited for that. (Also La La Land is amazing)
  11. Like, how is Emma Stone so perfect though?
  12. He's a lazy, pouting millenial.
  13. Can you tell that I've been hearing a lot about Chris Nolan lately? :p I'm fascinated by the difference between film and digital. I think it's so cool that deciding what format to shoot in is an artistic choice for some filmmakers, rather than just doing whatever's available. David Fincher has been doing incredible things with digital ever since Zodiac came out. Breaking Bad was shot on film, but Better Call Saul is shot digitally (partially because it's a show of memories, partially because the amount of color correction they do in BCS is immense). They even use digital effects to make certain scenes appear more film-y. The 2012 documentary Side by Side is a really neat look at film vs digital. And Keanu is the host.
  14. I don't have any problems with 70mm in and of itself. I haven't seen a film in 70mm yet, but I'm not impressed with either of the two big films meant to champion it so far (h8ful ate and dnkrk). What I do take issue with is Chris Nolan going on about how Netflix is bad and digital is bad and how big films don't suffer at all from being made in film. Netflix has gotten a lot of lately for picking up indie movies out of festivals and streaming them right away. They did this with Okja and I Don't Want to Live in this World Anymore (neither of which I have watched, because if they aren't in theaters there's no pressure for watch them sooner rather than later). That sucks for people like me who go to indie theaters regularly, but on the flip side the films are available to more people than ever before. Amazon picks up indie films, gives them a theatrical release, AND THEN streams them. Chris Nolan and I would agree that this is a much better way to do it. But where we differ is that CN just kinda trashes netflix completely instead of seeing it as a multi-faceted issue. If you are a young person that has become interested in film, how else would you go about watching all the classic movies without streaming? How would you get into making films without starting in digital? And that's where Nolan really rubs me the wrong way. He doesn't care that the way people enter the film industry is fundamentally different than the way he did. And Dunkirk being in 70mm doesn't excite me. When the way he shot it makes for a less cinematic experience in the vast majority of theaters, then it's clear to me that Chris Nolan only cares about Chris Nolan.
  15. I expect that LF will get his 15 mins, just like cersei is getting hers.
  16. I'm not saying being a film douche is entirely a bad thing. Vince Gilligan and Rian Johnson are both film douches, but they've also both worked in digital and don't try to "fight" digital as if it isn't the new norm of filmmaking. I think film is cool, but the way Chris Nolan goes about trying to fight a non-existent war is ridiculous.
  17. Short answer: because Chris Nolan is a film douche.
  18. Dany is just Jon's aunt. Targs are, historically, much more incesty than that.
  19. If you do not live near an imax theater you basically have to watch it in letterbox thanks to the weird aspect ratio they shot it in. Thanks, Chris Nolan!
  20. That was the most effort I've ever seen put into a Matt Moulson takedown. I love it.
  21. You two have inspired me. I'm catching the 12:20 Dunkirk
  22. They probably tried to give him lines and it didn't work out so good. It is pretty stupid that they wrote an entire scene just so Ed Sheeran could sing in the show. I'm a lot more down on the episode than I was earlier this week (big surprise there). This season is only 7 episodes long and they wasted the first one. NOTHING HAPPENS. Set-up is necessary, but it should also be entertaining. The show is too serious and up its own @ss to have fun.
  23. War for the planet of the apes is awesome. Spiderman is pretty good. There's like ~8 different movies in there. Not a lot of "no" was said during the production of this movie. The action wasn't as good as the first two Tobey Maguire spidermans, but the lessened angst was nice. Yet another marvel movie where they show how much of a piece of Tony Stark is (especially toward baby spiderman). I love it. Unfortunately, Marvel still hasn't figured out that women like and see movies too. Tom Holland is 5000000 times the actor that Ansel Elgort is. I watched Going Clear and The Master yesterday. Scientology is so scary.
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