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Everything posted by qwksndmonster

  1. Smell's got the D
  2. Gary Oldman is good, but PSH was one of a kind.
  3. Trueblue doesn't actually know what sexual tension is. Or sex.
  4. I hate what they're doing with Brant. Why is he a robot now? It's aggressively lazy writing to have a character talk about how they've seen so much rather than talk about what they've seen. And Brant just used his ability to sp00k people rather than help.
  5. Well, they certainly used a bunch of the CGI budget on this one. But as far as all the practically shot stuff, it still looked cheaply shot. After the initial charge (which was a big expensive shot) the only shots we got were really close in. I get what they're doing with this style, putting the audience right in the middle of a battle and not allowing them to orient themselves, but I'd prefer to have a more omnipotent view of the battle. Which basically means I'd like the geography of the battlefield to be part of the scene as well. Given that it would be more difficult and more expensive to shoot the scene that way, I don't really hold it against them. It was a competent battle scene, and it was great to see a dragon messing stuff up, but it wasn't anything special. The battlefield slaughter at the beginning of transformers 5 was more violent and awesome. For the outdoor Winterfell scenes, I guess the lighting was fine. But it was still shot through that stupid blue filter that makes everything look exactly the same.
  6. I do think it's stupid that nobody died. More death! The Arya/Brienne scene was really cool.
  7. More stuff! Happening! Happening for real!
  8. I've been listening to a lot of Sarah Jarosz lately. I think this cover of Joanna Newsom's Book of Right On belongs in the 2 chord jam HOF
  9. Oh man it looks like the apocalypse is about to start. 10/10 for NS's wardrobe.
  10. I'm sad that we'll never get a Philip Seymour Hoffman as Winston Churchill biopic.
  11. I'm still shocked that I've driven it for 2 weeks and a check engine light still hasn't come on.
  12. Yes I am!
  13. Good stuff d4rk. I just got a new car (2006 impala) and I'm still so in love with it. I've never enjoyed just cruising around more.
  14. I'm still not over Bob's Burgers getting taken off Neflix.
  15. I tried putting airbender on in the background the other day and ended up getting sucked in. It's deceptively good.
  16. Good call on Avatar. One of my favoritest shows ever. Season 4 was my cutoff for House.
  17. I think what makes the show so great is that everyone takes turns being the best character.
  18. True Detective Season 1 Big Little Lies The Jinx (HBO doc) Twin Peaks (if you like weird stuff) Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
  19. Seeing Fast Times at the Ithaca Regal tonight. Hype!
  20. We're on the same page. I don't harbor the website rotten tomatoes any ill will. I just worry about how it's being manipulated by the film industry, and how it's shaping discourse. I think you're misreading my point about how seeing a % number shapes preconceptions about a movie, though. Very small things can dictate your experience with a movie.
  21. Yeah, TV shows are under the gun 1000 times harder than movies. Hours of television are shot in 8 days on shoestring budgets. Even GoT, the biggest show on TV is up against the fence week in and week out. Filming on location and getting armies of people to act for you is incredibly expensive.
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