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Everything posted by qwksndmonster

  1. So the Star Wars hype train is spinning into gear. Today a bunch of new toys got released at target and I'm wearing a shirt that says "Bring Your Rey Game." Normally I try to avoid the Star Wars hype but I'm so in my feels about this movie. Daisy Ridley as Rey is finally getting the attention she deserves. No more toy sets with every character but Rey, she's front and center in everything. We get to see old Mark Hamill as luke. More Oscar Isaac and John Boyega! Gwendalyn Christie is finally going to get to do something! Rian Johnson is directing! Star Wars is finally going to be doing something new and not be worrying too much about connecting itself to the original trilogy and distancing itself from the prequels. HYPE
  2. 3 day weekend? More like work every day all day-kend.
  3. I listened to Green Day for the first time in a while the other day. So good. Longview's bass line is sickkkk
  4. It's peeks like this behind the pi curtain that reveal the true madman within.
  5. Liger it's not even pronounced baloo why are you calling him that?
  6. Soft.
  7. He's a villain at first because we see him throw Bran and then Kill Ned's men in the streets. Then the so many vows speech comes from a Cat chapter. His arc is so much more satisfying in the books because Jaime actually grows and changes from his experiences with Brienne. Getting his hand cut off, telling Brienne about the Mad King (first person he's ever told), and then going back to save her really puts him at odds with his sister idealistically. He's never not trending away from Cersei. In the show his arc quickly becomes "that guy that stands next to Cersei." Once he gets back to King's Landing. I think we should've gotten a Bronn/Jaime or Dickon/Jaime romance in the show. Jaime has never had an adult sexual relationship, and he's always been most comfortable on the road with fellow soldiers. I think there's a lot of textual evidence of Jaime's homosexuality.
  8. I'm looking forward to Bogosian only being kinda bad instead of terrible.
  9. I've been comparing Atomic Blonde to John Wick without realizing that the director lf AB is one of the co-directors of JW. Charlize Theron saw John Wick and literally made it happen herself.
  10. Bwahahahahahaha
  11. I feel like I'm missing something.
  12. Well so does everyone try not hold it against him.
  13. There's a lot of textual evidence of the Starks and White Walkers having a marriage alliance. It's filtered through the modern westerosi eye as a witch Other woman stealing the soul of a young lord and making him her thrall. I think it was mutual AF and that's why the Stark words are Winter is Coming. Also, when Old Nan tells Bran the story of OG Night's King (BECAUSE HE USED TO HAVE AN APOSTROPHE, !) she says that there is some disagreement about what house the boy was fom. She says that she thinks it was a Stark and mayhaps his name was BRANDON.
  15. Well. At least there's a while until I have to hate-watch GoT again.
  16. Starting without Tyrod kinda seals it though.
  17. So since the Bills are tanking does that mean that Pegula went through the same exact trajectory with the Bills as he did with the Sabres? Keep the staff on, infuse the org with money. When that fails, scorch the earth. How many seasons has Tpegs owned the Bills?
  18. I love it. I'm contemplating seeing Atomic Blonde a third time. Logan Lucky and Girls Trip have both earned a second viewing but Atomic Blonde is soooo amazing. It deserves the cult following that John Wick has.
  19. I should really cancel netflix. I basically just use it to watch Always Sunny when I fall asleep. Hulu is great for streaming tv shows and Amazon is great for movies.
  20. Tyrod got concussed? This has got to be one of the most hilariously bad offseasons of all time.
  21. Atomic Blonde is even better the second time. Gorgeous film.
  22. Atomic Blonde round 2.
  23. Yikes. Fans complained that there was too much needless rape of female characters. I don't think D&D know this difference between rape and sex that's, y'know, great. Also when are named characters gonna start dropping? Thoros isn't doing it for me. And someone's really gotta show D&D a map. (Okay, I'm leaving! Don't wanna hurt any feelings)
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